Commercial Pressure Washing Services in North Carolina and South Carolina
Are your commercial buildings in North Carolina or South Carolina looking dull and weathered? Dirt, grime, and stains can quickly make a business look less inviting. At Sunset Pressure Washing, our commercial pressure washing services bring life back to your property. Imagine your building’s exterior gleaming, the sidewalks spotless, and the windows crystal clear. We provide professional pressure washing services tailored for businesses just like yours. Our team uses top-notch equipment to pressure wash away the toughest buildup on driveways, walls, and roofs. With our washing service, your commercial building will stand out, looking clean and well-maintained.
Why Choose Sunset Pressure Washing?
Professional & Experienced Team
Our team consists of trained professionals who understand the unique cleaning needs of different commercial surfaces. We use the right techniques and equipment to ensure your building is cleaned effectively without causing any damage. With our experience, we guarantee a thorough and careful approach to every pressure washing job.
Advanced Equipment
We use state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment to tackle even the toughest grime and stains. Our machinery is designed to clean all types of surfaces, from concrete to delicate siding, ensuring a deep clean without harm. This advanced equipment allows us to deliver impressive results, making your property look as good as new.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions
At Sunset Pressure Washing, we understand the importance of a clean and professional appearance for financial institutions. Our bank cleaning services use gentle power washing to remove dirt, grime, and debris from building exteriors, walkways, and parking lots, ensuring a pristine look that reflects your bank’s professionalism.
Flexible Scheduling
We know that running a business comes first, so we offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs. Our team can work around your hours, even providing after-hours and weekend services to minimize disruptions. This means you get a clean and presentable property at a time that suits you best.
Exterior Building Cleaning
Maintaining a clean exterior is essential for your commercial property in North Carolina and South Carolina. Dirt, grime, and debris can build up over time, making your building look aged and uninviting. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we offer comprehensive exterior cleaning services designed to restore and maintain your property’s appearance, protecting it from damage and costly repairs.
Power Washing Services
Our power washing services use high pressure techniques to remove stubborn dirt, mold, and grime from various surfaces. Perfect for building washing, this method effectively cleans concrete, brick, and other durable surfaces, leaving them looking refreshed. Sunset Pressure Washing’s commercial power washing services are ideal for regular power washing needs, ensuring your property remains inviting and well-maintained. With our professional pressure washing services, we target areas that are prone to buildup, such as walkways, walls, and entrances. This thorough cleaning not only enhances the look of your building but also helps prevent long-term damage.
Soft Washing Services
For surfaces that require a gentler touch, our soft washing service is the perfect solution. Using low pressure and specialized cleaning agents, we safely remove dirt, mold, and mildew from delicate surfaces like siding, stucco, and painted exteriors. This method is highly effective and reduces the risk of damage often caused by high-pressure washing. Soft wash is an excellent option for maintaining your commercial property's curb appeal without compromising the integrity of the materials. Sunset Pressure Washing ensures that even the most sensitive areas of your building receive a thorough and safe cleaning.
Window Cleaning
Clear, streak-free windows can make a big difference in how your commercial property is perceived. Our commercial window cleaning service in North Carolina and South Carolina uses professional techniques to remove dirt, spots, and streaks, enhancing the natural light inside your building. We use specialized tools and cleaning solutions to ensure that every window is spotless, from ground-level panes to higher elevations. Regular window cleaning not only improves the appearance of your building but also extends the life of your windows by removing debris that can cause damage over time. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you get windows that sparkle and leave a lasting impression on clients and visitors.
Roof Cleaning
Roof cleaning is crucial in preventing costly repairs and maintaining the overall integrity of your commercial property. Our roof washing service uses a soft wash method to gently remove algae, moss, and debris without damaging the roofing material. By using low pressure techniques, we ensure that your roof is cleaned thoroughly and safely, avoiding the risk of leaks or surface damage. Regular roof cleaning not only improves the appearance of your building but also prolongs the life of your roof by preventing the buildup of harmful elements. With Sunset Pressure Washing, your roof will remain in top condition, adding to the overall appeal and value of your property.
Surface Cleaning
A clean surface around your commercial property makes a strong first impression on visitors and clients. In North Carolina and South Carolina, Sunset Pressure Washing offers professional surface cleaning services to keep your driveways, sidewalks, walkways, and concrete areas spotless. Our power washing techniques ensure that all surfaces are free from dirt, grime, and stains, enhancing the safety and appearance of your commercial space.
Driveway Cleaning
Driveways often bear the brunt of heavy traffic, leading to stubborn stains from oil, dirt, and debris. Our driveway cleaning services use high pressure power washing to remove these tough stains, restoring the surface to its original state. Regular pressure washing not only improves the look of your property but also extends the life of the driveway by preventing deterioration. Sunset Pressure Washing’s commercial power washing services are tailored to handle various driveway materials, ensuring a thorough and safe cleaning process. With our service, you can maintain a clean, welcoming entrance to your commercial property.
Sidewalk Cleaning
Clean sidewalks are essential for the safety and aesthetic appeal of any commercial property. Our sidewalk cleaning services utilize high-pressure washing to eliminate dirt, gum, and stains that can accumulate over time. By providing regular pressure washing, we help prevent slips and falls, ensuring a safe pathway for customers and employees. Our professional pressure washing service in North Carolina and South Carolina addresses all aspects of sidewalk maintenance, from removing stubborn marks to enhancing the overall appearance. With Sunset Pressure Washing, your sidewalks will always look well-maintained and inviting.
Walkway Cleaning
Walkways can quickly become dirty with mud, algae, and other debris, making them slippery and unattractive. Our walkway cleaning services use a combination of power washing and targeted cleaning solutions to remove buildup from all types of surfaces. Whether it’s concrete, stone, or pavers, we tailor our commercial cleaning approach to ensure a thorough clean without damaging the material. Regular power washing of walkways not only boosts curb appeal but also creates a safer environment for foot traffic. In North Carolina and South Carolina, Sunset Pressure Washing delivers spotless walkways that enhance the look and safety of your property.
Concrete Cleaning
Concrete surfaces, including parking lots and patios, can collect dirt, oil stains, and weather-related debris. Our concrete cleaning services employ high-pressure power washing to deep clean these areas, removing even the toughest stains. We use commercial power washing techniques that penetrate the surface, lifting away contaminants and restoring the concrete to a clean, like-new appearance. By scheduling regular pressure washing, you protect your concrete from long-term damage and deterioration. Sunset Pressure Washing provides concrete cleaning services across our service area, ensuring your property always looks its best.
Stair Cleaning
Stairways are high-traffic areas that can quickly accumulate dirt, grime, and algae, creating a potential hazard. Our stair cleaning services utilize high-pressure power washing to thoroughly clean each step and landing, removing buildup that can cause slips and falls. We pay special attention to the safety and integrity of the surface, ensuring that our cleaning methods do not damage the material. Regular pressure washing of stairs not only enhances their appearance but also helps prevent costly repairs caused by trapped moisture and grime. With Sunset Pressure Washing’s professional pressure washing service, your commercial property’s stairs will remain clean, safe, and welcoming.
Stain and Spot Removal
Stubborn stains and spots can significantly detract from the appearance of your commercial property. In North Carolina and South Carolina, Sunset Pressure Washing offers specialized stain and spot removal services to tackle oil, mold, red clay, rust, and gum. Using advanced pressure washers and effective cleaning methods, we ensure that every stain is removed, leaving your surfaces clean and revitalized.
Oil & Grease Stain Removal
Oil and grease stains can be unsightly and difficult to remove from driveways, parking lots, and loading areas. Our oil and grease stain removal services use high-pressure power washing combined with specialized cleaning agents to break down and eliminate these tough stains. By targeting the deep-set oil residues, our pressure washers restore the original appearance of your concrete and asphalt surfaces. Regular maintenance with our commercial services prevents these stains from becoming permanent, helping to preserve the cleanliness of your property. Sunset Pressure Washing provides effective oil and grease stain removal, ensuring a clean, professional look for your commercial space.
Mold and Mildew Removal
Mold and mildew can grow on various surfaces around your property, creating an unsightly and potentially hazardous environment. Our mold and mildew removal services use a combination of pressure washing and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to thoroughly clean affected areas. We target the root of the problem, using our pressure washers to remove mold spores and prevent regrowth. This not only enhances the appearance of your property but also contributes to a healthier environment for employees and customers. In North Carolina and South Carolina, Sunset Pressure Washing is your go-to provider for safe and effective mold and mildew removal.
Red Clay Removal
Red clay stains are a common issue in North Carolina and South Carolina, often leaving an unattractive reddish tint on surfaces. Our red clay removal services are designed to tackle these stubborn stains using powerful pressure washers and specialized cleaning methods. We carefully apply our techniques to remove the clay without damaging the underlying surface, restoring it to its original state. Our commercial services ensure that driveways, walkways, and building exteriors remain clean and clay-free. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you can say goodbye to unsightly red clay stains and enjoy a pristine property.
Rust Removal
Rust stains can develop on concrete, metal, and other surfaces due to various environmental factors. Our rust removal services use targeted power washing techniques to break down and remove these tough stains, preventing them from spreading. We use pressure washers with the right amount of force to clean the rust without harming the surface beneath. By eliminating rust stains, we help enhance the overall look of your commercial property and prevent further deterioration. Sunset Pressure Washing provides effective rust removal services, leaving your surfaces clean and protected.
Gum Removal
Gum can be one of the most challenging substances to remove from sidewalks, walkways, and entryways. Our gum removal services use high-pressure power washing to quickly and effectively lift gum from surfaces without leaving a trace. We use specialized pressure washers that dissolve the gum without damaging the concrete or paving. This not only improves the appearance of your property but also maintains a clean and inviting environment for visitors. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you can ensure that your commercial property remains gum-free and spotless.
Specialized Maintenance Cleaning Services
Keeping up with specialized maintenance tasks is crucial for the long-term appearance and functionality of your commercial property. Sunset Pressure Washing offers a range of maintenance services in North Carolina and South Carolina, including gutter cleaning, curb appeal pressure washing, and truck wash services. Our skilled team uses advanced power wash techniques and high-quality pressure washers to keep your property and fleet in top condition.
Industry-Specific Pressure
Healthcare Cleaning Services
In healthcare settings, cleanliness is crucial for safety and infection control. Our pressure washing services remove dirt, mold, and contaminants from exterior surfaces, creating a cleaner environment for patients and staff. We use power washing methods that are effective yet gentle, ensuring the building's integrity is maintained.
Bank Cleaning Services
A clean bank exterior promotes trust and professionalism. Our bank cleaning services focus on removing grime, stains, and debris from building facades, sidewalks, and entryways. Using pressure washers, we help banks maintain a pristine and inviting appearance for clients.
Corporate Cleaning Services
Corporate buildings require regular maintenance to reflect a polished image. Our corporate cleaning services use power washing to keep exteriors, walkways, and parking areas clean and well-maintained. We tailor our approach to each property, ensuring a professional look that impresses employees and visitors.
Car Wash Cleaning Services
Even car wash facilities need cleaning to remove buildup and maintain a high standard. Our car wash cleaning services target dirt, grime, and soap residues on surfaces, using powerful pressure washers. This ensures that your facility remains clean, safe, and attractive to customers.
School Cleaning Services
Schools need a clean environment to promote safety and learning. Our school cleaning services remove dirt, mold, and gum from walkways, playgrounds, and building exteriors. We use power washing techniques that are effective and safe, providing a welcoming space for students and staff.
Retail Cleaning Services
A clean storefront can draw more customers into your retail space. Our retail cleaning services use power washing to eliminate stains, dirt, and grime from windows, sidewalks, and walls. We help you maintain an inviting exterior that reflects the quality of your business.
Parking Deck Cleaning Services
Parking decks can accumulate oil, dirt, and debris, creating a dirty and potentially hazardous environment. Our parking deck cleaning services use high-pressure power washing to remove buildup from floors, walls, and ramps. This not only improves the deck's appearance but also enhances safety for drivers and pedestrians.
Parking Lot Cleaning Services
A clean parking lot sets the tone for a positive customer experience. Our parking lot cleaning services use powerful pressure washers to remove oil stains, trash, and grime, leaving the area spotless. Regular maintenance helps extend the lifespan of your parking surfaces and keeps them safe for use.
Apartment Cleaning Services
Maintaining clean common areas is essential for apartment complexes. Our apartment cleaning services focus on pressure washing walkways, stairwells, and building exteriors to remove dirt and stains. We help create a welcoming environment for residents while enhancing the property's overall appeal.
Gas Station Pressure Washing
Gas stations face constant exposure to oil, grease, and spills. Our gas station pressure washing services target fuel pump areas, parking spots, and sidewalks to remove stains and buildup. Using powerful pressure washers, we ensure that your gas station remains clean, safe, and attractive for customers.
Benefits of Regular Professional Commercial Pressure Washing
Enhanced Curb Appeal
A clean exterior makes a powerful first impression on customers and clients. Regular professional pressure washing removes dirt, grime, and stains, giving your commercial property a fresh and inviting look. This boost in curb appeal can attract more visitors and positively impact your business's reputation.
Increased Safety
Over time, surfaces like sidewalks, walkways, and parking lots can accumulate algae, mold, and grease, leading to slippery and hazardous conditions. Regular pressure washing removes these dangers, creating a safer environment for employees and customers. By reducing the risk of slips and falls, you also minimize potential liability issues.
Preventative Maintenance
Dirt, mold, and pollutants can cause gradual damage to building surfaces if left unchecked. Regular professional pressure washing helps prevent this deterioration, extending the life of your property's exterior surfaces. This proactive approach can save you money on costly repairs and replacements in the long run.
Healthier Environment
A clean building exterior contributes to a healthier environment by removing mold, mildew, and allergens that can affect air quality. Regular pressure washing ensures that these contaminants are effectively eliminated, creating a more pleasant space for everyone. This is especially important for businesses like healthcare facilities and schools, where cleanliness is crucial.
Service Areas
North Carolina
Gallery of Our Work

Our Commercial Pressure Washing Process
Contact Us
Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at, or book online through our booking form. Our team is ready to discuss your commercial pressure washing needs and answer any questions you may have.
Receive a Free Quote
After understanding your specific cleaning requirements, we provide a detailed, no-obligation quote. This free estimate outlines the scope of work, ensuring transparency and no hidden costs. We aim to deliver quality service at a price that fits your budget.
Have Your Property Cleaned Right
Our professional team arrives on time, equipped with top-of-the-line pressure washing equipment. We thoroughly clean your property using the best techniques to ensure every surface is spotless and protected. Once the job is done, we conduct a final inspection to ensure your complete satisfaction.
FAQs about Commercial PressureWashing in North Carolina & South Carolina
Yes, commercial pressure washing is definitely worth the investment. It effectively removes dirt, grime, and stains that can make your property look unappealing and can cause long-term damage. Regular professional cleaning not only enhances the appearance of your building but also extends the lifespan of your surfaces, saving you money on costly repairs in the future.
The main difference between pressure washing and power washing is the temperature of the water used. Pressure washing uses normal temperature water with high pressure to clean surfaces, while power washing uses heated water, making it more effective at removing tough stains and grease. Both methods are powerful cleaning solutions, but power washing is generally used for more stubborn contaminants.
The time it takes to pressure wash 1,000 square feet varies depending on the surface type and level of dirtiness. On average, it can take about 1 to 2 hours to thoroughly clean this area using professional-grade equipment. Our team at Sunset Pressure Washing uses efficient techniques to ensure a thorough clean in the shortest time possible.
Professionals typically use commercial-grade pressure washers with high PSI (pounds per square inch) and GPM (gallons per minute) ratings. These machines are more powerful than residential units, often equipped with adjustable nozzles and hot water options for more effective cleaning. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we use state-of-the-art equipment designed for heavy-duty commercial cleaning tasks.
The time it takes to pressure wash a driveway depends on its size and condition. A standard residential driveway usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour to clean thoroughly. For larger commercial driveways, the process can take longer, but our team ensures efficient cleaning without compromising on quality.
We proudly offer our commercial pressure washing services throughout various cities in North Carolina and South Carolina. This includes areas like Charlotte, Raleigh, Greenville, Columbia, and their surrounding communities. If you’re unsure if we service your location, feel free to contact us for more information.
In North Carolina, commercial buildings should ideally be pressure washed at least once or twice a year. Factors like local weather conditions, surrounding vegetation, and foot traffic can influence how quickly dirt and grime build up. Regular cleaning helps maintain a professional appearance and protects the building from damage caused by mold, mildew, and pollutants.
Yes, pressure washing is an effective way to remove pollen buildup, which is common in South Carolina, especially during the spring. Our high-pressure washers can thoroughly clean surfaces coated with pollen, improving the appearance of your property and reducing allergens. This service is particularly beneficial for businesses like restaurants and retail stores that rely on a clean exterior to attract customers.
Absolutely, we offer flexible scheduling, including after-hours services, to accommodate businesses in busy areas like Charlotte. We understand that some commercial properties require cleaning outside of normal business hours to avoid disruptions. Our team is available to perform pressure washing services at a time that suits your operational needs.
During the rainy season in North Carolina, we take extra precautions to ensure a safe and effective pressure washing process. We monitor weather conditions closely and avoid scheduling during heavy rainfall to prevent accidents and ineffective cleaning. When possible, we also use eco-friendly cleaning solutions that work well in various weather conditions, ensuring a thorough clean regardless of the season.
Clean slate, clean state—book with us today!
In North Carolina and South Carolina, maintaining a clean and professional exterior for your business is crucial. Sunset Pressure Washing offers top-notch commercial pressure washing services to keep your property looking its best year-round. From removing tough stains to enhancing your building’s curb appeal, our pressure washing services deliver results you can see. Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly methods to ensure a thorough and safe clean. Don’t let dirt and grime affect your business’s image—let us handle the cleaning for you. Ready to give your commercial property a fresh, new look? Book online today, email us at, or call 864-991-9192 to schedule your professional pressure washing service with Sunset Pressure Washing.