Commercial Pressure Washing Charleston SC

When it comes to keeping your business looking clean and professional, commercial pressure washing in Charleston SC is a must. Picture your storefront or office building free of dirt, grime, and unsightly stains. Our pressure washing service transforms your exterior surfaces, making them look fresh and inviting. As a leading pressure washing company in South Carolina, we handle everything from sidewalks to parking lots with precision. We use top-of-the-line equipment to blast away tough buildup without damaging surfaces. With our commercial pressure washing service, your property will stand out in Charleston’s bustling business scene. Trust us to give your commercial space the facelift it deserves.

pressure washing charleston sc

Why Choose Our Commercial Pressure Washing Services in Charleston SC?

Experienced Professionals

Our team has years of experience in commercial pressure washing in Charleston, SC. We know how to handle different surfaces, from concrete to delicate brickwork, ensuring no damage is done. Our expertise guarantees a thorough cleaning that leaves your property looking its best.

Advanced Equipment

We use state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment to deliver top-notch results. Our advanced machines effectively remove tough stains, mold, and grime that regular cleaning methods can't handle. This ensures a deep clean that enhances the appearance and longevity of your commercial property.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

We care about the environment, which is why we use eco-friendly cleaning products. Our methods are safe for your property and the surrounding area, reducing environmental impact while still providing a powerful clean. You get a spotless property without any harmful chemicals being used.

Flexible Scheduling

We understand that business operations need to run smoothly, so we offer flexible scheduling for our pressure washing services. Whether you need cleaning during off-hours or on weekends, we work around your schedule to minimize disruption. This means you can keep your business looking great without any inconvenience.

Exterior Building Cleaning

A clean exterior makes a strong first impression for any business. Our exterior cleaning services in Charleston, SC, are designed to remove dirt, debris, and even graffiti, giving your building a fresh, inviting look. From power washing to soft washing, we have the right methods to make your property shine.

Surface Cleaning


Clean, well-maintained surfaces make a positive impression on your customers and visitors. Our surface cleaning services in Charleston, SC, are tailored to handle various exterior surfaces, ensuring they are free of dirt, stains, and grime. Whether it’s a hard surface like concrete or a more delicate material, our cleaning solutions provide a deep and effective clean for your property.

Stain and Spot Removal

Stubborn stains and spots can make any exterior surface look worn and neglected. Our specialized stain and spot removal services in Charleston, SC, tackle the toughest stains, restoring the clean, professional appearance of your property. With our advanced cleaning solutions and commercial pressure washing services, we can eliminate even the most persistent blemishes.

Oil and Grease Stain Removal Charleston SC

Oil and grease stains can be a real eyesore on driveways, parking lots, and other exterior surfaces. Our oil and grease stain removal in Charleston, SC, uses powerful cleaning solutions to break down and lift these tough stains. We utilize commercial pressure washing services to thoroughly clean the surface, removing all traces of oil and grease. This not only improves the appearance but also helps prevent slips and falls. Say goodbye to unsightly stains and welcome a cleaner, safer surface for your property.

Mold and Mildew Removal Charleston SC

Mold and mildew not only look unpleasant but can also pose health risks if left untreated. Our mold and mildew removal service in Charleston, SC, effectively cleans these unwanted growths from your building's exterior surfaces. We use specialized cleaning solutions that kill mold and mildew at the root, preventing them from returning. Our commercial pressure washing services ensure that every trace is removed, leaving your property looking fresh and clean. Protect your building and maintain a healthy environment with our expert cleaning.

Red Clay Removal Charleston SC

Red clay stains are notoriously difficult to remove and can make any surface look permanently dirty. Our red clay removal service in Charleston, SC, is designed to tackle these tough stains on driveways, walkways, and building exteriors. We employ powerful cleaning solutions combined with commercial pressure washing services to break down and wash away red clay residue. This process restores the original appearance of your exterior surfaces, enhancing the overall look of your property. Trust us to handle red clay stains, giving your surfaces a fresh start.

Rust Removal Charleston SC

Rust stains can develop on various surfaces, leaving unsightly marks that are hard to clean. Our rust removal service in Charleston, SC, uses advanced cleaning solutions to dissolve rust without damaging the underlying material. With our commercial pressure washing services, we thoroughly clean the affected areas, eliminating rust stains from concrete, metal, and other exterior surfaces. This service not only improves the appearance but also helps prevent further corrosion. Let us restore your surfaces to their original condition by removing stubborn rust stains.

Gum Removal Charleston SC

Chewing gum stuck on sidewalks, entryways, and other surfaces can be a challenge to remove. Our gum removal service in Charleston, SC, uses hot water pressure washing to lift and dissolve gum without leaving residue. We utilize specialized cleaning solutions that break down the gum, ensuring it is entirely removed from the exterior surface. Our commercial pressure washing services make quick work of this common nuisance, leaving your surfaces clean and gum-free. Keep your property looking neat and professional with our effective gum removal solutions.

Specialized Maintenance Cleaning Services

Maintaining the appearance and functionality of your property requires specialized care. Our specialized maintenance cleaning services in Charleston, SC, ensure that every aspect of your exterior is spotless and well-maintained. From gutters to fleet vehicles, we provide tailored pressure washing solutions to meet your unique needs.

Industry-Specific Pressure

Healthcare Cleaning Charleston SC

Cleanliness is crucial in healthcare settings to ensure a safe environment for patients and staff. Our healthcare cleaning service in Charleston, SC, uses effective pressure washing techniques to remove dirt, grime, and contaminants from exterior surfaces. We adhere to strict cleaning standards to maintain a sanitary and professional appearance for your facility.

Bank Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean exterior helps build trust and confidence in financial institutions. Our bank cleaning services in Charleston, SC, focus on maintaining a pristine appearance for your bank’s entrances, walkways, and parking areas. Using specialized pressure washing methods, we remove dirt and stains, enhancing your bank’s professional image.

Corporate Cleaning Charleston SC

Impress clients and employees with a spotless corporate exterior. Our corporate cleaning services in Charleston, SC, target building facades, walkways, and outdoor spaces to remove dirt, debris, and stains. With our pressure washing expertise, we ensure your corporate premises always look polished and professional.

Car Wash Cleaning Charleston SC

Even car washes need cleaning to stay efficient and inviting. Our car wash cleaning service in Charleston, SC, removes buildup and grime from your wash bays, equipment, and surrounding areas. We use high-powered pressure washing to keep your facility in top condition, ensuring a clean environment for your customers.

School Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean school environment is essential for the health and safety of students and staff. Our school cleaning services in Charleston, SC, use pressure washing to clean playgrounds, sidewalks, and building exteriors. We help maintain a welcoming and sanitary atmosphere that promotes learning and safety.

Retail Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean storefront attracts customers and enhances the shopping experience. Our retail cleaning service in Charleston, SC, removes dirt, stains, and debris from your store’s exterior, including walkways and parking areas. With our pressure washing services, we ensure your retail space always looks inviting and well-maintained.

Parking Deck Cleaning Charleston SC

Parking decks can quickly accumulate oil stains, dirt, and grime from constant use. Our parking deck cleaning services in Charleston, SC, use powerful pressure washing to remove these stubborn stains and restore a clean, safe environment. We help extend the life of your parking deck while improving its overall appearance.

Parking Lot Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean parking lot creates a positive first impression for your business. Our parking lot cleaning in Charleston, SC, tackles oil spots, dirt, and debris using advanced pressure washing techniques. We leave your parking lot spotless, providing a safer and more attractive space for customers and visitors.

Apartment Cleaning Charleston SC

Maintain the appeal of your apartment complex with our apartment cleaning services in Charleston, SC. We pressure wash building exteriors, walkways, and common areas to remove dirt, mold, and grime. A clean exterior helps attract and retain tenants, keeping your property looking its best.

Gas Station Pressure Washing Charleston SC

Gas stations can accumulate dirt, oil, and spills that affect their appearance and safety. Our gas station pressure washing in Charleston, SC, cleans pumps, concrete surfaces, and surrounding areas to remove stains and buildup. We ensure your gas station remains clean, safe, and welcoming for all customers.

Benefits of Regular Professional Commercial Pressure Washing in Charleston SC

Enhanced Curb Appeal

Regular commercial pressure washing keeps your property's exterior looking clean and inviting. By removing dirt, grime, and stains, your building presents a well-maintained and professional appearance to customers and clients. A clean exterior can attract more visitors and create a positive impression, boosting your business's image in Charleston, SC.

Prevents Damage

Dirt, mold, and mildew can cause long-term damage to your property's exterior surfaces if left unchecked. Regular pressure washing helps prevent this buildup, reducing the risk of structural damage and costly repairs. By investing in professional cleaning, you protect your building's materials and extend their lifespan.

Promotes a Healthier Environment

A clean exterior reduces the presence of mold, mildew, and allergens around your property. Commercial pressure washing eliminates these contaminants, creating a healthier environment for employees and customers. This is especially important for businesses in Charleston, SC, where humidity can contribute to mold growth.

Increases Safety

Slippery surfaces like sidewalks and parking lots can become hazardous when covered with oil, algae, or debris. Regular pressure washing removes these dangers, helping to prevent slips and falls. By maintaining a clean and safe environment, you reduce liability risks and ensure the well-being of everyone who visits your property.

Gallery of Our Work

soft washing house soft washing house completed
pressure washing dumpster pad finished pressure washing dumpster pad

Our Commercial Pressure Washing Process


Contact Us

Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at, or book online through our convenient booking form. Our team is ready to discuss your needs and help you find the right commercial pressure washing solution for your property.


Receive a Free Quote

Once we understand your requirements, we’ll provide you with a free, no-obligation quote. Our quotes are transparent and detailed, ensuring you know exactly what to expect with no hidden costs. We aim to offer competitive pricing while delivering top-quality service tailored to your property's needs.


Have Your Property Cleaned Right

Our professional team will arrive at your property equipped with the best tools and cleaning solutions. We handle every aspect of the job efficiently and safely, ensuring your property is cleaned to the highest standards. With our commercial pressure washing process, your building will look fresh, clean, and more inviting.


FAQs about Commercial Pressure Pressure Washing in Charleston SC

Yes, commercial pressure washing is definitely worth it for businesses in Charleston, SC. It removes stubborn dirt, mold, and grime that regular cleaning methods can’t handle, enhancing your property’s appearance and prolonging its lifespan. A clean exterior not only attracts more customers but also creates a safer environment by eliminating slippery substances like algae and oil stains.

The main difference between pressure washing and power washing lies in the temperature of the water used. Pressure washing uses regular water at high pressure, while power washing uses heated water, making it more effective at removing tough stains and grime. Power washing is typically used for more stubborn stains or surfaces that can handle the higher temperature, while pressure washing is suitable for a wide range of surfaces.

The time it takes to pressure wash 1,000 square feet depends on the surface type and the level of dirt buildup. On average, it can take about 1 to 2 hours to thoroughly clean this area. However, factors like accessibility and the presence of stubborn stains may extend the cleaning time.

Professionals use high-quality pressure washers that deliver higher pressure and flow rates than consumer models. Commercial-grade pressure washers often have pressures ranging from 3,000 to 4,000 PSI (pounds per square inch) and flow rates of 3 to 5 GPM (gallons per minute). These machines are equipped with various nozzles and attachments to handle different surfaces safely and effectively.

The time required to pressure wash a driveway depends on its size, surface material, and the amount of buildup. Typically, it takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to clean a standard-sized driveway thoroughly. For larger driveways or those with heavy stains like oil or rust, the process may take a bit longer to ensure a deep clean.

In Charleston, SC, commercial pressure washing can be used on a variety of surfaces, including concrete, brick, stucco, siding, and asphalt. It’s also effective for cleaning decks, fences, sidewalks, and parking lots. Our team assesses the surface type and condition to choose the right pressure and cleaning solution for safe and effective results.

The frequency of commercial pressure washing in Charleston, SC, depends on the location and type of business. Generally, it’s recommended to have your property pressure washed at least once or twice a year. However, high-traffic areas or properties exposed to more dirt, mold, or graffiti may require more frequent cleaning to maintain their appearance.

No, our commercial pressure washing services in Charleston, SC, are designed to be environmentally friendly. We use eco-friendly cleaning solutions and methods to minimize any negative impact on the surrounding environment. Our team follows best practices to ensure that runoff is managed responsibly, protecting local ecosystems.

Yes, it is essential to pressure wash a property before painting in Charleston, SC. Pressure washing removes dirt, mold, and peeling paint, providing a clean surface for the new paint to adhere to. This preparation step helps ensure a smoother finish and extends the life of the paint job.

Yes, weather conditions in Charleston, SC, can affect the pressure washing process. Ideal conditions include mild temperatures and dry weather, as excessive heat or rain can interfere with the cleaning and drying process. Our team monitors the weather and schedules pressure washing services at the best times to ensure optimal results.

Press pause on the mess — Schedule your pressure wash now

Keep your commercial property looking its best with Sunset Pressure Washing. Our commercial pressure washing services are designed to tackle dirt, grime, and stains, leaving your building clean and inviting. A clean exterior not only enhances your property’s appearance but also provides a safer environment for your customers and employees. With our professional pressure washing services, you can make a positive first impression and extend the life of your surfaces. Ready to give your property a fresh look? Book online, email us at, or call us at 864-991-9192 today to schedule your service. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle all your exterior cleaning needs with ease and expertise.


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