Commercial Pressure Washing Raleigh Nc
Is your home’s exterior starting to look a little worse for wear? Our residential pressure washing services in Raleigh, NC, can help bring back that fresh, clean look. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we specialize in pressure cleaning that removes dirt, grime, and debris from your siding, driveways, and patios. Our Raleigh pressure washing service uses powerful equipment to tackle even the toughest buildup, leaving your property looking like new. As a trusted name in North Carolina, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional results and great customer service every time. Whether you’re dealing with algae on your deck or stains on your walkways, our team is ready to help. Let us take care of the mess, so you can enjoy a spotless home.
Why Choose Our Commercial Pressure Washing Services in Raleigh NC?
Proven Expertise and Experience
Our team has years of experience providing residential pressure washing services in Raleigh, NC. We understand the unique cleaning challenges that come with the local climate and know how to treat different surfaces without causing damage. You can trust our expertise to deliver a deep, thorough clean that brings out the best in your home’s exterior.
State-of-the-Art Equipment
We use the latest pressure washing technology to ensure efficient and effective results. Our equipment is powerful enough to tackle stubborn grime, mold, and dirt while being gentle on your home’s surfaces. This means we can deliver a high-quality clean without any risk of damage to your property.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions
We prioritize the safety of your home and the environment by using eco-friendly cleaning agents. Our biodegradable solutions are tough on stains but safe for your family, pets, and plants. You can enjoy a clean home without worrying about harmful chemicals affecting your surroundings.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
We are committed to providing the best customer service in Raleigh, NC. From your first contact with us to the final inspection, our goal is to make sure you are completely satisfied with our work. We believe in doing the job right the first time, so you can enjoy a home that looks refreshed and revitalized.
Exterior Building Cleaning
Maintaining the exterior of your home is key to preserving its beauty and value. Our professional exterior cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to remove dirt, mold, and other buildup that can damage your home’s appearance over time. Using advanced techniques like soft washing and pressure washing, we provide a thorough clean that makes your property look its best.s, SC. Our exterior cleaning service helps remove dirt, grime, and mildew that can accumulate over time, ensuring your building looks welcoming and well-maintained. From power washing to soft washing techniques, we provide tailored cleaning solutions that keep your property looking its best year-round.
House Washing Raleigh NC
Our house washing service in Raleigh, NC, is perfect for restoring the fresh look of your home’s exterior. Using a pressure washer, we effectively remove layers of dirt, grime, and algae that accumulate on siding and brick. We adjust our methods based on the surface, ensuring a safe and thorough clean without damaging your home. This service is ideal for homes and even commercial buildings, making them look fresh and well-maintained. Trust us to bring back that like-new shine to your property’s exterior.
Soft Washing Raleigh NC
Soft washing is a low-pressure cleaning method that is perfect for delicate surfaces like roofs, siding, and stucco. Our Raleigh, NC, soft washing service uses a specialized blend of cleaning agents and low-pressure water to break down mold, mildew, and dirt. This technique is safe for your home’s exterior while providing a deep clean that lasts longer than traditional pressure washing. It’s also an ideal solution for commercial buildings that require a more gentle approach to maintain their exteriors. With our expert soft washing, your property will look fresh and inviting without the risk of damage.
Window Cleaning Services Raleigh NC
Clean windows make a huge difference in the overall look of your property, and our window cleaning services in Raleigh,NC, are designed to keep them spotless. We use advanced cleaning techniques to remove dirt, smudges, and streaks, leaving your windows crystal clear. Our approach ensures that even hard-to-reach windows get the attention they deserve, improving the view both inside and out. Regular window cleaning not only enhances the appearance of your building but also extends the lifespan of your windows by preventing grime buildup. Choose us for a professional window cleaning that brightens up your commercial space.
Roof Cleaning Raleigh NC
Roof cleaning is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your home and preventing costly repairs. Our roof cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use a gentle yet effective soft wash technique to remove algae, moss, and stains without damaging your shingles. This process extends the life of your roof while restoring its appearance, giving your home a clean and polished look. Unlike traditional pressure washing, our soft wash method ensures that your roof is cleaned safely, reducing the risk of damage. Let us help protect your investment with our professional roof cleaning service.
Surface Cleaning
Keep your home or business looking its best with our comprehensive surface cleaning services in Raleigh, NC. From driveways to sidewalks, our team uses advanced techniques and equipment to remove dirt, stains, and buildup. Whether it’s a residential property or a large commercial area like parking garages, we ensure every surface is clean and inviting.
Driveway Cleaning Raleigh NC
Our driveway cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to tackle stubborn stains, oil spots, and grime buildup. Using a powerful commercial power washing service, we restore the look of your driveway, making it clean and safe for everyday use. Our team carefully adjusts pressure settings to match the surface, ensuring a deep clean without causing damage. Whether you have a concrete, asphalt, or brick driveway, we’ve got the expertise to handle it. Let us help enhance your home’s curb appeal with a spotless driveway.
Sidewalk Cleaning Raleigh NC
Sidewalks often accumulate dirt, mold, and stains from daily foot traffic, making them look worn and uninviting. Our sidewalk cleaning service in Raleigh, NC, uses advanced pressure washing techniques to remove tough stains and restore a clean, welcoming path. We serve both residential and commercial properties, including large areas like parking garages, ensuring every walkway is free of grime. A clean sidewalk not only improves the appearance of your property but also provides a safer path for your family, visitors, or customers. Trust our team to keep your sidewalks looking their best all year round.
Walkway Cleaning Raleigh NC
Walkways are essential for guiding guests to your home or business, but they can quickly become stained and slippery over time. Our walkway cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to remove dirt, algae, and other buildup from your paths. Using our commercial power washing service, we ensure a thorough clean that revitalizes your walkways and makes them safer to walk on. We serve a wide service area, ensuring that both residential and commercial clients receive top-quality results. Let us help you maintain clean, attractive walkways that add to the appeal of your property.
Concrete Cleaning Raleigh NC
Concrete surfaces like driveways, patios, and parking garages are prone to accumulating stains from oil, dirt, and weather exposure. Our concrete cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use high-pressure washing equipment to remove even the most stubborn stains, leaving your concrete looking refreshed. We cater to both residential properties and commercial spaces, offering tailored solutions for each unique surface. With our professional techniques, you can avoid long-term damage and keep your concrete surfaces in top shape. Trust us for a deep clean that revitalizes and protects your concrete.
Stair Cleaning Raleigh NC
Stairs are high-traffic areas that can easily gather dirt, mud, and debris, becoming slippery and unsightly. Our stair cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use powerful pressure washing to eliminate buildup, making your stairs clean and safe. We service a variety of stair surfaces, including concrete, wood, and stone, adjusting our methods for optimal results. Whether for a residential home or a commercial building with large staircases, our team ensures that every step is free of grime. Keep your stairs looking their best and reduce the risk of slips with our professional cleaning services.
Stain and Spot Removal
Stubborn stains and spots can make your property look unkempt and neglected. Our stain and spot removal services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to eliminate tough marks like oil, rust, mold, and even gum. With our professional power washing and residential services, we can restore the clean look of your driveways, fences, patios, and more.
Oil and Grease Stain Removal Raleigh NC
Oil and grease stains can be difficult to remove without the right equipment and expertise. Our power washing service in Raleigh, NC, is perfect for breaking down and lifting these stubborn stains from driveways, garage floors, and other outdoor surfaces. Using specialized cleaning agents and high-pressure water, we ensure that oil and grease residues are thoroughly washed away. This process not only restores the appearance of your concrete but also helps prevent long-term damage. Trust our residential services to bring back the clean, stain-free look of your property.
Mold and Mildew Removal Raleigh NC
Mold and mildew can quickly take over exterior surfaces, leading to unsightly stains and potential health risks. Our mold and mildew removal services in Raleigh, NC, use a combination of power washing and eco-friendly solutions to effectively clean these growths from siding, fences, and patios. The process is safe for your home and tough on mold, breaking down spores and preventing regrowth. With our professional approach, you can enjoy a healthier outdoor space that looks clean and fresh. Let us handle the hard work of removing mold and mildew to keep your property safe and beautiful.
Red Clay Removal Raleigh NC
Red clay stains are a common problem in Raleigh, NC, and can be particularly difficult to remove from concrete, brick, and fences. Our power washing services are specially designed to tackle these stubborn stains, using high-pressure water to lift the red clay from your surfaces. This deep-cleaning method is ideal for driveways, walkways, and patios, restoring their natural appearance. Our team is experienced in treating various outdoor surfaces without causing damage, ensuring a thorough clean every time. Say goodbye to red clay stains and hello to a fresh, clean look for your property.
Rust Removal Raleigh NC
Rust stains can appear on metal surfaces, concrete, and fences, creating an unsightly look that diminishes the appeal of your home. Our rust removal services in Raleigh, NC, use targeted power washing techniques to eliminate rust spots without damaging the underlying material. We apply specialized cleaning agents that break down rust, making it easier to wash away. Whether it's on your driveway, patio, or outdoor fixtures, we ensure a clean, rust-free finish that lasts. Let our professional team restore the appearance of your property with our effective rust removal solutions.
Gum Removal Raleigh NC
Stuck-on gum can be an eyesore on sidewalks, driveways, and other exterior surfaces. Our gum removal service in Raleigh, NC, uses high-powered pressure washing to lift and eliminate gum residues completely. The heat and pressure work together to break down the sticky residue, making it easy to wash away without leaving a trace. This service is ideal for residential properties looking to maintain a clean and welcoming exterior. With our expertise, you can count on a spotless finish that keeps your outdoor spaces looking their best.
Specialized Maintenance Cleaning Services
Our specialized maintenance cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to keep your property in top condition year-round. From maintaining clean gutters to enhancing curb appeal, we offer tailored solutions to meet your needs. Whether it’s power washing, graffiti removal, or fence cleaning, we provide the expertise and equipment to get the job done right.
Industry-Specific Pressure
Healthcare Cleaning Raleigh NC
Cleanliness is critical in healthcare facilities, and our pressure washing services are tailored to meet strict hygiene standards. We focus on thoroughly cleaning exterior surfaces, walkways, and entrances to ensure a sanitary environment for patients and staff. Our team understands the unique needs of healthcare cleaning, providing a deep clean that supports the well-being of all who visit.
Bank Cleaning Raleigh NC
A clean bank exterior sets the tone for professionalism and trustworthiness. Our bank cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use advanced pressure washing to remove dirt, grime, and graffiti, ensuring a polished look. We focus on maintaining the pristine appearance of your bank, creating a welcoming atmosphere for clients and visitors.
Corporate Cleaning Raleigh NC
A well-maintained exterior is key to creating a positive impression for corporate offices. Our corporate cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use power washing to keep entrances, walkways, and building exteriors spotless. We help your business maintain a professional image, ensuring a clean and inviting space for employees and clients alike.
Car Wash Cleaning Raleigh NC
Even car wash facilities need a deep clean to maintain their appeal and function. Our car wash cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, focus on removing buildup, dirt, and stains from the surfaces of your facility. Using powerful pressure washing techniques, we keep your car wash looking its best, ensuring a positive experience for your customers.
School Cleaning Raleigh NC
Schools require a safe and clean environment for students, staff, and visitors. Our school cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, utilize pressure washing to keep exterior areas like playgrounds, walkways, and building exteriors free from dirt and mildew. We prioritize safety and thoroughness, ensuring that school grounds remain clean and welcoming.
Retail Cleaning Raleigh NC
A clean exterior is essential for attracting customers to retail stores. Our retail cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use power washing to refresh storefronts, walkways, and parking areas. We help retail businesses maintain a clean and inviting look that draws in more customers and enhances the overall shopping experien
Parking Deck Cleaning Raleigh NC
Parking decks are prone to collecting dirt, oil stains, and other debris. Our parking deck cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use high-powered pressure washing to remove buildup, keeping your decks clean and safe for vehicles and pedestrians. A clean parking deck enhances the overall appearance of your property and improves safety for users.
Parking Lot Cleaning Raleigh NC
A clean parking lot sets the tone for any business or property, making it look well-maintained and inviting. Our parking lot cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, use professional pressure washing to remove oil spills, dirt, and debris. We ensure that your parking lot remains spotless, safe, and visually appealing to customers and visitors.
Apartment Cleaning Raleigh NC
Keeping apartment complexes clean is essential for maintaining property value and resident satisfaction. Our apartment cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, include pressure washing for building exteriors, walkways, and common areas. We provide a thorough clean that helps property managers maintain a fresh and welcoming environment for current and potential tenants.
Gas Station Pressure Washing Raleigh NC
Gas stations see heavy traffic and are prone to spills, stains, and grime. Our gas station pressure washing services in Raleigh, NC, use powerful equipment to clean pumps, canopies, and concrete surfaces. We help maintain a clean and safe environment for customers, enhancing the appearance and appeal of your gas station.
Benefits of Regular Professional Commercial Pressure Washing in Raleigh NC
Enhances Business Curb Appeal
A clean exterior is crucial for making a great first impression on customers and clients. Regular professional commercial pressure washing in Raleigh, NC, helps remove dirt, grime, and stains from your building’s facade, sidewalks, and parking lots. A well-maintained property looks more inviting, which can attract more foot traffic and boost your business’s reputation.
Prevents Damage to Exterior Surfaces
Over time, dirt, mold, and algae can cause serious damage to surfaces if left untreated. Regular pressure washing helps to remove these harmful elements before they can eat away at materials like concrete, wood, or siding. By investing in professional cleaning, you can extend the lifespan of your property’s exterior, saving money on repairs and replacements.
Promotes a Healthier Environment
Mold, mildew, and allergens can accumulate on the exterior surfaces of commercial properties, potentially affecting the air quality around your business. Regular pressure washing removes these contaminants, creating a healthier environment for employees and customers. This not only contributes to a more pleasant atmosphere but also helps to prevent health-related issues that could arise from mold and mildew exposure.
Saves Time and Effort
Hiring professionals for your commercial pressure washing needs allows you to focus on running your business without the hassle of exterior maintenance. With advanced equipment and expertise, our team can quickly and efficiently clean large areas that would be time-consuming to handle on your own. Regular service ensures that your property stays in top shape without disrupting your daily operations.
Gallery of Our Work




Our Commercial Pressure Washing Process
Contact Us
Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at, or book online through our convenient booking form. Our team is ready to answer any questions you have and schedule a time to assess your property’s needs.
Receive a Free Quote
Once we’ve discussed your needs, we’ll provide a free, no-obligation quote based on the size and scope of your project. Our transparent pricing ensures there are no surprises, and you’ll know exactly what to expect. We tailor our quotes to provide the best value, helping you keep your property clean without breaking the budget.
Have Your Property Cleaned Right
After approving the quote, our professional team will arrive on time with the equipment needed to get the job done right. We’ll handle every aspect of the cleaning, ensuring your building, sidewalks, and parking areas are left spotless. With our expertise, you can count on a thorough and efficient service that minimizes disruption to your business.
FAQs about Commercial Pressure Pressure Washing in Raleigh NC
Yes, commercial pressure washing is worth the investment, especially for businesses in Raleigh, NC, looking to maintain a clean and professional appearance. Regular pressure washing helps prevent long-term damage to exterior surfaces, saving money on costly repairs. It also improves curb appeal, making your property more inviting to customers and clients, which can enhance your business’s reputation and attract more visitors.
The main difference between pressure washing and power washing lies in the temperature of the water used. Power washing uses heated water, which is more effective at removing tough stains, grease, and grime. Pressure washing, on the other hand, uses regular-temperature water at high pressure, making it ideal for general cleaning of surfaces like sidewalks and walls without the need for heat.
The time required to pressure wash 1000 square feet can vary based on the surface type and the level of dirt or grime. Typically, a professional can complete the job in about 1 to 2 hours with commercial-grade equipment. Factors like the complexity of the area, such as corners and hard-to-reach spots, may extend the time slightly.
Professionals often use high-powered commercial pressure washers that can deliver 3000 to 4000 PSI (pounds per square inch) for deep cleaning. These machines are equipped with various nozzles and settings to handle different surfaces, ensuring an effective clean without causing damage. Some professionals may also use hot water pressure washers for tackling grease and oil stains in commercial settings.
Pressure washing a standard driveway typically takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on its size and the level of staining or buildup. Larger driveways or those with stubborn oil and grease stains may require a bit more time to ensure a thorough clean. Professional pressure washing services in Raleigh, NC, can efficiently clean driveways, removing dirt, algae, and stains to restore their original look.
In Raleigh, NC, it’s recommended to pressure wash commercial properties at least twice a year to keep them looking clean and professional. However, properties exposed to heavy foot traffic, frequent rain, or areas prone to mold and mildew may benefit from quarterly pressure washing. Regular maintenance helps maintain a welcoming appearance and prevents buildup that could damage surfaces over time.
Yes, professional pressure washing services can effectively remove graffiti from surfaces like concrete, brick, and metal. In Raleigh, NC, our team uses specialized equipment and eco-friendly cleaning agents to lift graffiti without damaging the underlying material. This service helps businesses quickly restore a clean, professional appearance after vandalism.
Absolutely! Raleigh, NC, is known for its high pollen levels, especially in the spring. Pressure washing can remove pollen buildup from exterior surfaces, including siding, windows, and sidewalks, improving the appearance of your property and reducing allergens. A thorough cleaning helps create a more welcoming environment for both customers and employees.
Yes, pressure washing is safe for brick buildings when done by professionals who understand the correct techniques. Our team in Raleigh, NC, uses a lower pressure setting specifically designed for brick and mortar to prevent damage while effectively removing dirt, mold, and algae. This ensures that your brick building remains clean and maintains its structural integrity.
Yes, we offer flexible scheduling for pressure washing services in Raleigh, NC, including evenings and weekends. This allows businesses to maintain their properties without disrupting daily operations. Our goal is to provide convenient, professional service that keeps your business looking its best without any inconvenience to your customers or staff.
Grime doesn’t stand a chance— let us wash your worries away!
Keep your commercial property looking its best with Sunset Pressure Washing’s expert services. Our commercial pressure washing services are designed to tackle dirt, grime, and stains, making your building shine. We understand the unique needs of businesses in Raleigh, NC, and offer tailored solutions that deliver impressive results. With our professional pressure washing services, you can enhance your property’s curb appeal and maintain a clean, welcoming environment. Ready to experience the difference? Book online, email us at, or call 864-991-9192 for a free quote today. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle the cleaning, so you can focus on running your business.