Power Washing Services in North Carolina and South Carolina

Is your property looking dull and dirty? Sunset Pressure Washing is here to help! We offer top-notch power washing services in North Carolina and South Carolina, bringing life back to your home or business. Imagine the fresh look of your driveway, sidewalks, and exterior walls after a professional pressure washing service. Our team knows how to tackle stubborn stains, dirt, and grime with ease. From pressure cleaning your home’s siding to power washing commercial spaces, we’ve got you covered. Let us help you transform your property into a spotless and welcoming space.

Why Choose Sunset Pressure Washing?

Experienced and Trained Professionals

Our team at Sunset Pressure Washing consists of highly skilled professionals with years of experience in power washing. We understand the different surfaces and stains that properties in North Carolina and South Carolina face, ensuring a safe and effective cleaning process. You can trust us to handle your property with care and deliver outstanding results every time.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

We use the latest, industry-leading equipment to provide deep cleaning that traditional methods just can't match. Our advanced power washing tools effectively remove dirt, mold, and stains without damaging surfaces. With our state-of-the-art equipment, your property will receive a thorough clean that looks great and lasts longer.

Custom Cleaning Plans

Every property is unique, so we create custom cleaning plans tailored to your specific needs. Whether it's a small residential driveway or a large commercial building, we adapt our pressure washing techniques to suit the job. Our personalized approach ensures the best results and maximum satisfaction for every client.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

We care about the environment, which is why we use eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are safe for your property and surroundings. Our methods effectively remove grime and stains without using harsh chemicals. You can have peace of mind knowing that our pressure washing services are both powerful and environmentally responsible.

Comprehensive Power Washing Solutions for All Property Types

Residential Pressure Washing Services

Our residential power washing services are designed to refresh and protect your home. Sunset Pressure Washing uses a combination of high pressure and low pressure techniques to safely clean every surface, from siding to driveways. We specialize in patio cleaning, fence cleaning, and more, enhancing the overall appearance of your property. Our pressure washers remove dirt, mold, and stains that can damage your home's exterior, helping to maintain its value and curb appeal. With our residential pressure washing, your home will look spotless and inviting, making it a place you’re proud to call your own.

Commercial Pressure Washing Services

As a leading power washing company, we provide top-quality commercial power washing services for businesses of all sizes. Our experienced team knows how to handle the unique needs of commercial properties, using power washers to remove grime, oil stains, and graffiti effectively. We offer a range of commercial services, including building exteriors, parking lots, and sidewalk cleaning, ensuring your commercial property looks professional and well-maintained. Our pressure washing company uses low pressure washing techniques where necessary to avoid any surface damage, providing a deep clean that enhances the look and safety of your business.

Surface Cleaning

Sunset Pressure Washing offers professional surface cleaning services in North Carolina and South Carolina to keep your property looking its best. Using advanced power wash techniques, we tackle even the toughest dirt and stains on driveways, sidewalks, walkways, and more. Our washing services are performed with high-quality pressure washers and power washers to ensure a deep clean that enhances the appearance and safety of your surfaces.

Driveway Cleaning

Your driveway is one of the first things people notice about your home, and a clean driveway makes a great impression. Our driveway cleaning services use powerful pressure washers to remove oil stains, dirt, and debris, restoring the surface to its original condition. We use the right amount of pressure to ensure a thorough clean without damaging the material. Whether it’s concrete, asphalt, or brick, our team can handle any type of driveway. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to leave your driveway spotless and looking brand new.

Sidewalk Cleaning

Clean sidewalks are essential for maintaining a safe and welcoming property. Our sidewalk cleaning services use professional power washers to eliminate dirt, algae, and grime that can make surfaces slippery and unsightly. We serve both residential and commercial properties in North Carolina and South Carolina, ensuring that your sidewalks are clean and safe for everyone. Our washing services not only improve the appearance of your sidewalks but also help prevent accidents caused by slippery surfaces. Let us give your sidewalks a fresh, clean look that enhances your property's curb appeal.

Walkway Cleaning

Walkways are high-traffic areas that can quickly become dirty and stained. Sunset Pressure Washing offers walkway cleaning services that use specialized pressure washers to remove grime, moss, and stains. Our team uses gentle yet effective power washing techniques to clean walkways without damaging the surfaces, whether they are made of stone, brick, or concrete. We service properties throughout North Carolina and South Carolina, ensuring your walkways are clean and safe for guests. With our professional washing services, your walkways will look well-maintained and inviting.

Concrete Cleaning

Concrete surfaces can accumulate dirt, oil, and mold over time, leading to a dull and grimy appearance. Our concrete cleaning services in North Carolina and South Carolina use high-powered pressure washers to penetrate deep into the pores of the concrete, lifting away stubborn stains and contaminants. We specialize in cleaning concrete driveways, patios, and other outdoor surfaces, leaving them spotless and revitalized. Our power wash techniques ensure a thorough cleaning without causing any damage to the concrete. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to restore the clean, bright look of all your concrete surfaces.

Stair Cleaning

Stairs can be a major hazard when they are covered in dirt, algae, or other slippery substances. Our stair cleaning services use the right combination of power washing and low-pressure techniques to safely clean all types of stair surfaces. Whether your stairs are made of wood, concrete, or stone, we have the expertise to remove built-up grime without causing damage. We service residential and commercial properties across North Carolina and South Carolina, ensuring your stairs are clean and safe for use. With our professional washing services, you can enjoy clean, slip-free stairs that enhance the safety and appearance of your property.

Building and Exterior Cleaning


Sunset Pressure Washing provides comprehensive building and exterior cleaning services in North Carolina and South Carolina. From homes to commercial buildings, we use professional power wash techniques to remove dirt, mold, and graffiti, enhancing the appearance of your property. Our washing services include house washing, roof cleaning, window cleaning, and more, using top-of-the-line pressure washers and hot water methods for a thorough clean.

Stain and Spot Removal


Stubborn stains and spots can significantly impact the appearance of your property. Sunset Pressure Washing offers specialized stain and spot removal services in North Carolina and South Carolina, targeting tough stains like oil, grease, mold, and rust. Our professional washing services use powerful pressure washers and tailored cleaning solutions to eliminate these blemishes and restore the beauty of your surfaces.

Oil & Grease Stain Removal

Oil and grease stains can be unsightly and difficult to remove from driveways, parking lots, and other surfaces. Our oil and grease stain removal services use high-powered pressure washers and specialized detergents to break down and lift these tough stains. Whether it's a residential driveway or a commercial parking area, we have the expertise to handle it. Our washing service ensures that the stains are thoroughly removed without damaging the surface. Serving properties throughout North Carolina and South Carolina, we help keep your surfaces clean and safe.

Mold and Mildew Removal

Mold and mildew not only look unpleasant but can also pose health risks. Our mold and mildew removal services target these growths on various surfaces, including siding, decks, and walkways. Using the right combination of pressure washers and eco-friendly cleaning agents, we safely eliminate mold and mildew without harming your property. Our washing service is available for both residential and commercial properties in North Carolina and South Carolina, ensuring a clean and healthy environment. Let us help you keep your property mold-free and looking its best.

Red Clay Removal

Red clay stains are a common problem in North Carolina and South Carolina, especially on concrete and brick surfaces. These stains can be challenging to remove with regular cleaning methods. Our red clay removal services use specialized washing techniques to break down and wash away the stubborn clay stains effectively. Using our powerful pressure washers, we can restore the natural color of your surfaces without causing any damage. Sunset Pressure Washing provides thorough and efficient red clay removal, leaving your property looking clean and refreshed.

Rust Removal

Rust stains can mar the appearance of your property, affecting metal surfaces, concrete, and more. Our rust removal services use advanced pressure washing techniques and rust-specific cleaning agents to dissolve and remove rust stains completely. Whether it's a commercial property or a residential area, we have the tools and expertise to handle rust removal with precision. Our washing service not only removes existing rust stains but also helps prevent further rust formation. Serving North Carolina and South Carolina, we restore the beauty of your surfaces with effective rust removal solutions.

Gum Removal

Gum stuck on sidewalks, parking lots, or other surfaces can be unsightly and difficult to remove. Our gum removal services use high-pressure washers to safely lift and remove gum without leaving behind any residue or damage. This service is ideal for commercial properties in North Carolina and South Carolina, where maintaining a clean and welcoming appearance is crucial. Our washing service ensures that gum spots are eliminated quickly and efficiently, improving the look of your property. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle the dirty work, so your surfaces remain clean and inviting.

Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning


Truck Wash Services

Maintaining a clean fleet is essential for any business, and our truck wash services are here to keep your vehicles in top condition. Serving North Carolina and South Carolina, we specialize in fleet washing, using advanced pressure washing techniques to remove dirt, grime, and road residue from trucks and heavy equipment. Our fleet power washing services ensure that your vehicles not only look professional but also stay in peak condition, reducing the risk of corrosion and damage. With our fleet cleaning solutions, we can handle everything from single trucks to entire fleets, providing thorough and efficient cleaning every time. Sunset Pressure Washing's fleet pressure washing services help extend the life of your vehicles and maintain a positive image for your business.

Industry-Specific Power Washing Services

Healthcare Cleaning Services

In healthcare settings, cleanliness is critical for patient safety and comfort. Our healthcare cleaning services use specialized pressure washing techniques to sanitize exterior surfaces, walkways, and entryways. We ensure a hygienic and welcoming environment, adhering to strict cleanliness standards in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Bank Cleaning Services

First impressions matter, especially in financial institutions. Our bank cleaning services keep your building's exterior, walkways, and entrances spotless, enhancing the professional image of your bank. We use precise pressure washing methods to remove dirt, grime, and stains, ensuring your bank looks clean and inviting to clients.

Corporate Cleaning Services

A clean corporate environment boosts employee morale and leaves a positive impression on clients. Our corporate cleaning services include building exteriors, walkways, and common areas, using high-quality pressure washing techniques. We help maintain a pristine and professional appearance for corporate offices in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Car Wash Cleaning Services

Cleanliness is key in the car wash industry. Our car wash cleaning services ensure your facility remains spotless, with pressure washing that targets buildup, stains, and grime. We use powerful equipment to clean floors, walls, and equipment, enhancing the overall customer experience.

School Cleaning Services

A clean school environment is essential for the health and safety of students and staff. Our school cleaning services use safe and effective pressure washing techniques to clean playgrounds, walkways, and building exteriors. We help create a welcoming and hygienic environment for educational institutions.

Retail Cleaning Services

Retail spaces need to be clean and inviting to attract customers. Our retail cleaning services include pressure washing storefronts, sidewalks, and entryways to remove dirt, stains, and graffiti. We ensure that your retail property in North Carolina and South Carolina always looks its best.

Parking Deck Cleaning Services

Parking decks often accumulate oil stains, dirt, and debris, affecting their appearance and safety. Our parking deck cleaning services use powerful pressure washing to remove these contaminants, providing a clean and safe environment. We specialize in cleaning multi-level parking decks, enhancing their appearance and functionality.

Parking Lot Cleaning Services

A clean parking lot is crucial for making a good first impression. Our parking lot cleaning services use advanced pressure washing to remove oil stains, dirt, and litter from parking areas. We help improve the appearance and safety of your parking lot, making it more welcoming for customers and visitors.

Apartment Cleaning Services

Keeping apartment complexes clean is essential for resident satisfaction and property value. Our apartment cleaning services cover exterior building washing, sidewalk cleaning, and common area maintenance. Using professional pressure washing techniques, we help maintain a clean and appealing living environment for your tenants.

Gas Station Pressure Washing

Gas stations face constant exposure to oil, fuel spills, and grime. Our gas station pressure washing services use powerful equipment to clean pump areas, parking spaces, and storefronts. We provide a thorough cleaning that enhances the appearance and safety of your gas station in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Benefits of Regular Professional Power Washing

Enhanced Curb Appeal

Regular professional power washing keeps your property looking fresh and inviting. By removing dirt, grime, and stains from surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and building exteriors, it instantly enhances curb appeal. Whether it's a residential or commercial property, a clean exterior creates a positive impression on visitors, guests, and customers.

Prevents Damage

Over time, dirt, mold, algae, and other contaminants can cause damage to your property's surfaces. Professional power washing removes these harmful substances, preventing issues like wood rot, concrete deterioration, and paint peeling. Regular cleaning helps extend the life of your surfaces, saving you money on costly repairs and replacements.

Improves Health and Safety

Mold, mildew, and algae growth can lead to slippery surfaces and potential health hazards. Professional power washing eliminates these contaminants, reducing the risk of slips and falls and creating a healthier environment. This is especially important for areas like walkways, stairs, and entrances that experience heavy foot traffic.

Saves Time and Effort

Power washing can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task if done on your own. Hiring a professional service ensures that the job is done quickly and effectively, using the right equipment and techniques. This allows you to enjoy a clean property without the hassle, freeing up your time for more important tasks.

Gallery of Our Work

soft washing house soft washing house completed
pressure washing dumpster pad finished pressure washing dumpster pad

Our Power Washing Process


Contact Us

Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at info@sunsetpressurewash.com, or book online through our booking form. Our friendly team will assist you in scheduling a convenient time to discuss your power washing needs.


Receive a Free Quote

Once we understand your requirements, we'll provide a free, no-obligation quote tailored to your specific needs. We'll assess the areas that need cleaning and recommend the best power washing solution for your property. This transparent process ensures you know exactly what to expect before we begin.


Have Your Property Cleaned Right

Our skilled technicians will arrive on time with professional equipment to clean your property thoroughly and safely. We use the appropriate techniques and pressure settings to ensure your surfaces are cleaned without damage. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you can sit back and relax while we transform your property.


FAQs about Power Washing in North Carolina & South Carolina

Pressure washing and power washing are similar cleaning methods that use high-pressure water to clean surfaces. The main difference lies in the use of heat; power washing involves heated water, which is more effective in removing stubborn stains, grease, and mold. Pressure washing uses unheated water and is suitable for less intense cleaning tasks, like washing decks and sidewalks.

The effects of power washing a house typically last from one to three years, depending on various factors like climate, location, and the surrounding environment. In areas like North Carolina and South Carolina, where humidity can encourage mold growth, more frequent cleaning might be necessary. Regular maintenance can extend the cleanliness and protect your home’s exterior.

Soft power washing is a cleaning technique that uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning solutions. It’s ideal for delicate surfaces like roof shingles, siding, and wood decks that can be damaged by high-pressure washing. This method effectively removes dirt, mold, and algae without causing harm to your property.

Power washing a 2000 square foot house typically takes about 2 to 4 hours, depending on factors like the level of dirt buildup, the type of surfaces being cleaned, and the specific techniques used. In North Carolina and South Carolina, where homes may experience varying levels of grime due to weather conditions, the duration can vary slightly. Our team at Sunset Pressure Washing works efficiently to ensure thorough and timely cleaning.

The best months to pressure wash a house in North Carolina and South Carolina are typically in the spring and fall. During these seasons, temperatures are mild, making it ideal for removing winter buildup or preparing for the summer. Avoid pressure washing in freezing winter months or during extreme summer heat to ensure optimal results and prevent surface damage.

For homes in North Carolina and South Carolina, it’s generally recommended to power wash the exterior of your house at least once a year. However, if your property is surrounded by trees, near the coast, or in a high-humidity area, more frequent cleaning may be necessary. Regular power washing helps prevent the buildup of mold, mildew, and dirt, keeping your home looking its best.

Most homes benefit from being washed once a year, but properties in North Carolina and South Carolina might need cleaning 1-2 times a year due to specific regional conditions. For example, homes near the coast or in areas with high humidity may experience more frequent mold and algae growth. Routine washing helps maintain the property’s appearance and protects it from potential damage.

Yes, Sunset Pressure Washing offers power washing services year-round in North Carolina and South Carolina. However, the best times for optimal results are during mild weather conditions, such as spring and fall. We take weather considerations into account to ensure the best cleaning results for your property.

Yes, power washing can be safe for older homes when done correctly. Our team uses soft power washing techniques for delicate or aged surfaces to prevent any potential damage. We tailor our approach to suit the specific needs of each property, ensuring a thorough yet gentle clean.

Absolutely! Pollen buildup is a common issue in North Carolina and South Carolina, especially in the spring. Our power washing services effectively remove pollen from surfaces like siding, decks, and driveways, reducing allergens and improving the overall appearance of your property.

Yes, we provide commercial power washing services for businesses throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. Whether it’s a storefront, parking lot, or building exterior, our professional team can handle various commercial cleaning needs. Regular power washing helps maintain a professional and inviting appearance for your business.

The coastal climate in South Carolina can lead to more frequent buildup of salt, moisture, and mildew on properties. These elements can cause surfaces to deteriorate faster, necessitating regular power washing. Our services are designed to tackle these specific challenges, helping to protect and maintain your property’s exterior.

Grime today, gone tomorrow – schedule your wash!

In North Carolina and South Carolina, keeping your property clean and well-maintained is essential for both curb appeal and longevity. Sunset Pressure Washing offers top-notch power washing services tailored to your specific needs. Our team uses advanced techniques to ensure every surface is spotless, from driveways to building exteriors. With our professional pressure washing services, you can enjoy a cleaner, safer, and more attractive property year-round. Don’t let dirt, grime, or stains take away from the beauty of your home or business. Ready to see the difference for yourself? Book online, email us at info@sunsetpressurewash.com, or call 864-991-9192 today to schedule your service and transform your property with Sunset Pressure Washing.


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