Power Washing Charleston SC

Is your home or business in the Greater Charleston area looking a little worse for wear? Power washing in Charleston SC, can make all the difference. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we blast away dirt, grime, and mildew, revealing the true beauty underneath. Our pressure washing service uses powerful equipment to tackle tough stains on driveways, sidewalks, decks, and more. We’re a trusted pressure washing company in South Carolina, dedicated to giving your property a fresh, clean look. Whether it’s your home’s exterior or a commercial space, we bring back the shine. Trust our experienced team to transform your property with professional power washing.

pressure washing charleston sc

Why Choose our Power Washing in Charleston SC?

Experienced and Skilled Team

Our team at Sunset Pressure Washing has years of experience in the industry, ensuring that every job is done right. We know how to handle various surfaces, from delicate wood decks to sturdy concrete driveways. With our expertise, you can trust that your property will be cleaned safely and effectively.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

We use top-of-the-line pressure washing equipment that delivers powerful cleaning results. Our machines are designed to remove stubborn dirt, mold, and mildew without damaging surfaces. This means your property will look its best, whether it's a small patio or a large commercial building.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

We care about the environment and the health of your family and pets. That's why we use eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are tough on grime but gentle on the surroundings. You can enjoy a spotless property without worrying about harsh chemicals harming your landscaping or outdoor spaces.

Reliable and Timely Service

We understand the importance of your time, so we make sure to provide prompt and reliable service. Our team shows up on schedule and works efficiently to complete the job with minimal disruption to your daily routine. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you get quality results on time, every time.

Comprehensive Power Washing Solutions for All Property Types

Residential Pressure Washing Charleston SC

Your home deserves the best care, and our residential pressure washing services in Charleston, SC, deliver just that. We tackle everything from window cleaning and gutter cleaning to roof washing, ensuring every corner of your property shines. Our skilled team uses advanced pressure washers to safely remove dirt, mildew, and stains from siding, driveways, and walkways. We also take special care of roof shingles, preserving their integrity while providing a deep clean. With Sunset Pressure Washing, your home will look fresh and well-maintained, giving it a renewed curb appeal.

Commercial Pressure Washing Charleston SC

Maintaining a clean commercial property is crucial for making a great impression, and our commercial pressure washing services are here to help. From storefronts to office buildings, we provide a thorough wash that includes window washing, siding cleaning, and even graffiti removal. Our commercial service extends to pressure cleaning parking lots, sidewalks, and roofs, ensuring every aspect of your property is spotless. We use professional-grade pressure washers to deliver a deep clean without damaging surfaces, leaving your business looking its best. Let us handle the hard work so you can focus on running your business in a pristine environment.

Surface Cleaning

At Sunset Pressure Washing, we provide top-notch surface cleaning services to keep every part of your property looking pristine. Using our high-powered pressure washers, we wash away dirt, stains, and grime from various surfaces, enhancing the overall appearance of your home or business. Our cleaning services are thorough, efficient, and tailored to meet the specific needs of each area we clean.

Driveway Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean driveway makes a big difference in your property's curb appeal. Our driveway cleaning service in Charleston, SC, uses powerful pressure washers to remove oil stains, dirt, and mildew, leaving your driveway looking brand new. We take care of every detail, ensuring that we not only wash the surface but also tackle those hard-to-reach spots. Whether you have a concrete, asphalt, or stone driveway, we do a great job restoring its original shine. With our professional cleaning service, your driveway will complement the beauty of your home.

Sidewalk Cleaning Charleston SC

Sidewalks are high-traffic areas that quickly accumulate dirt, grime, and algae. Our sidewalk cleaning service in Charleston, SC, power washes these surfaces to keep them safe and attractive. Using advanced pressure washers, we efficiently remove buildup without damaging the concrete or surrounding areas. Our team ensures a thorough wash, enhancing the appearance of your property’s exterior. Clean sidewalks not only improve curb appeal but also provide a safer walkway for visitors and residents.

Walkway Cleaning Charleston SC

Walkways guide guests to your home or business, and a clean path leaves a positive impression. Our walkway cleaning service in Charleston, SC, tackles everything from dirt and moss to stubborn stains. We use high-pressure power washing techniques to clean a variety of surfaces, including brick, stone, and concrete. Our team does a great job of ensuring each walkway is spotless, providing a welcoming path to your door. Let us enhance the beauty of your property with a professional wash that makes a difference.

Concrete Cleaning Charleston SC

Concrete surfaces can be challenging to keep clean due to their porous nature. Our concrete cleaning service in Charleston, SC, uses powerful pressure washers to penetrate deep into the concrete, removing embedded dirt, oil, and grime. We provide a thorough wash that restores the surface to its original condition, whether it's a driveway, patio, or sidewalk. Our process is safe and effective, preserving the integrity of the concrete while delivering outstanding results. Trust us to give your concrete surfaces a fresh, clean look that lasts.

Stair Cleaning Charleston SC

Stairs are often overlooked in exterior cleaning, but they can accumulate dirt, algae, and grime quickly. Our stair cleaning service in Charleston, SC, uses targeted power washing to clean each step thoroughly, making them safe and appealing. We handle a variety of materials, from concrete to wood, ensuring a deep clean without damaging the surface. Our pressure washers effectively remove buildup on stair surfaces and in the crevices, leaving no spot untouched. With our expert cleaning, your stairs will look well-maintained and ready to welcome guests.

Building and Exterior Cleaning


At Sunset Pressure Washing, we specialize in building and exterior cleaning services that enhance the appearance and value of your property. Our team uses the latest pressure washing techniques, including low-pressure washing, to safely clean all types of surfaces. From siding to rooftops, we cover every aspect of your exterior to ensure a fresh, polished look across our service area in Charleston, SC.

Stain and Spot Removal


Stubborn stains and spots can significantly detract from the appearance of your property. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we offer specialized stain and spot removal services designed to tackle even the toughest marks. Using our advanced pressure washers and proven techniques, we restore the look of your surfaces, ensuring a clean and polished finish across Charleston, SC.

Oil & Grease Stain Removal Charleston SC

Oil and grease stains on driveways and garages can be challenging to remove with regular cleaning methods. Our oil and grease stain removal service in Charleston, SC, uses powerful pressure washers to penetrate deep into the surface. We break down and lift away these stubborn stains, whether they’re on concrete, asphalt, or pavers. Our pressure washing services effectively restore the look of your surfaces, leaving them spotless and free of slippery residues. Trust us to bring back the clean, fresh appearance of your driveways and garage floors.

Mold and Mildew Removal Charleston SC

Mold and mildew not only make your property look unsightly but can also pose health risks. Our mold and mildew removal service in Charleston, SC, uses targeted pressure cleaning to eliminate these growths from your exterior surfaces. We treat areas like siding, decks, and patios, ensuring a thorough clean without damaging the material. Our pressure washing services remove mold and mildew at the root, preventing regrowth and keeping your property safe. Enjoy a cleaner, healthier environment with our expert stain removal solutions.

Red Clay Removal Charleston SC

Red clay stains are notorious for being difficult to clean, especially on driveways, walkways, and siding. Our red clay removal service in Charleston, SC, utilizes specialized pressure cleaning techniques to break down and wash away these persistent stains. We use high-powered pressure washers that are tough on clay but gentle on your surfaces, ensuring a thorough clean. Whether it's concrete, brick, or other materials, our pressure washing services restore the original color and appearance of your property. Say goodbye to red clay stains and hello to a spotless finish.

Rust Removal Charleston SC

Rust stains can be an eyesore on driveways, sidewalks, and building exteriors. Our rust removal service in Charleston, SC, uses advanced pressure washing methods to dissolve and remove rust stains from various surfaces. We carefully pressure clean the affected areas, ensuring the rust is eliminated without harming the underlying material. Our team is experienced in handling rust stains on metal, concrete, and more, providing a comprehensive cleaning solution. With our pressure washing services, your surfaces will look refreshed and free of unsightly rust marks.

Gum Removal Charleston SC

Chewing gum stuck on sidewalks, parking lots, or walkways can be both unattractive and unhygienic. Our gum removal service in Charleston, SC, uses high-pressure washers to lift and remove hardened gum from any surface. We focus on thorough pressure cleaning to ensure no residue is left behind, leaving your property looking clean and inviting. Our pressure washing services make quick work of gum removal, restoring the neat appearance of your commercial or residential spaces. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing for efficient and complete gum removal that enhances the cleanliness of your property.

Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning


Truck Washing Services Charleston SC

Keep your fleet in top condition with our truck wash services in Charleston, SC. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we offer professional truck cleaning and fleet washing solutions that remove dirt, grime, and road debris from your vehicles. Our fleet pressure washing services ensure your trucks stay clean and well-maintained, enhancing their appearance and longevity. Whether you manage a small fleet or a large one, our team provides thorough and efficient fleet cleaning to keep your vehicles looking sharp. Trust us to deliver reliable, high-quality truck washing that meets the needs of your business.

Industry-Specific Power Washing Services

Healthcare Cleaning Charleston SC

In healthcare settings, cleanliness is crucial. Our healthcare cleaning services in Charleston, SC, use precise power washing techniques to sanitize exterior surfaces, ensuring a hygienic environment. We focus on removing dirt, grime, and contaminants, promoting a safe space for patients and staff.

Bank Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean bank exterior creates a welcoming atmosphere for clients. Our bank cleaning services in Charleston, SC, utilize gentle but effective power washing to remove stains, dirt, and pollutants from your building’s facade. We ensure that your bank always looks professional and well-maintained.

Corporate Cleaning Charleston SC

Maintain a polished corporate image with our corporate cleaning services in Charleston, SC. We use advanced power washing to clean building exteriors, parking areas, and entryways, reflecting the professionalism of your business. Our services enhance the appearance and curb appeal of your corporate property.

Car Wash Cleaning Charleston SC

Even car wash facilities need a thorough cleaning from time to time. Our car wash cleaning services in Charleston, SC, use high-powered pressure washing to remove dirt, grease, and buildup from walls, floors, and equipment. We keep your car wash looking spotless and functioning efficiently.

School Cleaning Charleston SC

Schools require a clean environment for the safety and well-being of students and staff. Our school cleaning services in Charleston, SC, employ power washing to sanitize outdoor areas, including sidewalks, playgrounds, and building exteriors. We help maintain a fresh and safe school environment.

Retail Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean storefront is key to attracting customers. Our retail cleaning services in Charleston, SC, use power washing to clean windows, entryways, and sidewalks, creating an inviting look. We remove grime and stains, making your retail space shine and stand out to shoppers.

Parking Deck Cleaning Charleston SC

Parking decks can quickly become dirty and unsightly. Our parking deck cleaning services in Charleston, SC, use high-pressure washing to remove oil stains, dirt, and debris from floors and walls. We ensure a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming parking area for your customers and guests.

Parking Lot Cleaning Charleston SC

A clean parking lot makes a great first impression. Our parking lot cleaning services in Charleston, SC, utilize power washing to remove litter, oil stains, and dirt, enhancing the overall appearance of your property. We help you keep your parking areas neat, safe, and inviting.

Apartment Cleaning Charleston SC

Keep your apartment complex looking its best with our apartment cleaning services in Charleston, SC. We power wash exterior surfaces, including building facades, walkways, and common areas, removing dirt and grime. Our services ensure a clean, attractive living environment for residents and visitors.

Gas Station Pressure Washing Charleston SC

Gas stations are high-traffic areas that need regular cleaning. Our gas station pressure washing services in Charleston, SC, use powerful equipment to remove fuel stains, oil, and dirt from pumps, canopies, and concrete surfaces. We help you maintain a clean, safe, and appealing station for your customers.

Benefits of Regular Professional Power Washing in Charleston SC

Enhances Curb Appeal

Regular power washing keeps your property looking its best by removing dirt, grime, and stains from surfaces. This not only makes your home or business more attractive but also creates a welcoming atmosphere for visitors, customers, and guests. A well-maintained exterior reflects positively on your property, boosting its overall curb appeal.

Prevents Damage

Over time, mold, mildew, algae, and dirt can cause damage to surfaces like siding, roofs, and concrete. Regular professional power washing removes these harmful elements, preventing them from deteriorating your property. By addressing these issues early, you can avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your exterior surfaces.

Promotes a Healthier Environment

Built-up dirt, mold, and mildew can contribute to poor air quality and create an unhealthy environment, especially for those with allergies or respiratory issues. Professional power washing eliminates these contaminants, promoting a cleaner and healthier outdoor space. This is especially important for homes, schools, and healthcare facilities where a healthy environment is crucial.

Increases Property Value

A clean, well-maintained property is more appealing to potential buyers and can increase your property's value. Regular power washing keeps surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and siding looking new, which can be a major selling point. Investing in professional cleaning services is a simple way to boost your property's market value and appeal.

Gallery of Our Work

soft washing house soft washing house completed
pressure washing dumpster pad finished pressure washing dumpster pad

Our Power Washing Process


Contact Us

Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at info@sunsetpressurewash.com, or book online through our booking form. Our team is ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and schedule a convenient time for your service.


Receive a Free Quote

Once you reach out, we’ll provide a free, no-obligation quote tailored to your specific power washing needs. We assess your property to determine the best cleaning approach, ensuring transparency and no hidden fees. Our goal is to offer you a clear and accurate estimate, so you know exactly what to expect.


Have Your Property Cleaned Right

On the scheduled day, our professional team arrives equipped with advanced power washing tools and eco-friendly cleaning solutions. We handle every detail, ensuring your property is thoroughly cleaned and looks its best. From start to finish, we guarantee a hassle-free experience and exceptional results.


FAQs about Power Washing in Charleston SC

Pressure washing and power washing are similar cleaning methods, but there is a key difference. Power washing uses heated water along with high pressure to clean surfaces, which can be more effective for removing stubborn stains like grease and mold. Pressure washing, on the other hand, uses regular water at high pressure, making it suitable for general cleaning tasks like removing dirt and grime from surfaces.

The effects of power washing typically last between 1 to 2 years, depending on factors like weather conditions, surrounding foliage, and the type of surface cleaned. In areas with high humidity like Charleston, where mold and mildew can grow quickly, you may notice the need for another wash sooner. Regular maintenance can help prolong the clean appearance of your home.

Soft power washing is a cleaning technique that uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning solutions to gently remove dirt, mold, and algae from delicate surfaces. This method is ideal for cleaning areas like siding, roofs, and wooden decks without causing damage. It’s a safe and effective alternative to high-pressure washing for surfaces that require extra care.

Power washing a 2000 square foot house typically takes between 2 to 4 hours, depending on the condition of the surfaces and the complexity of the structure. Factors like the level of dirt, mold, or mildew buildup, as well as the type of siding, can affect the time required. Our professional team works efficiently to ensure a thorough clean within this timeframe.

In Charleston, the best time to pressure wash a house is during the spring or fall when the weather is mild and there’s less chance of extreme heat or heavy rainfall. These seasons offer ideal conditions for cleaning and allow your home to stay clean throughout the year. Avoiding the peak of summer also ensures that cleaning solutions do not dry too quickly, leading to a more effective wash.

It’s recommended to power wash the outside of your house at least once a year to maintain its appearance and prevent the buildup of dirt, mold, and mildew. In Charleston’s humid climate, where mold and algae growth is common, more frequent washing, such as every 6 to 8 months, might be necessary. Regular cleaning helps protect your home’s exterior and extends its lifespan.

In Charleston, washing your house once or twice a year is typically sufficient to keep it looking its best. However, homes in areas with heavy tree coverage or close to the coast may require more frequent washing to remove salt, pollen, and other debris. Regular maintenance power washing can prevent long-term damage and keep your home’s exterior in top condition.

Yes, power washing can be safe for homes in Charleston’s historic districts when performed correctly. We use gentle methods like soft power washing to clean delicate and older surfaces without causing damage. Our team is experienced in working with historic properties, ensuring that the architectural integrity of your home is preserved.

Charleston’s coastal climate, with its humidity and salt air, can lead to faster buildup of mold, mildew, and salt deposits on your property. This makes regular power washing essential to prevent damage and maintain your property’s appearance. Homes and businesses in coastal areas may benefit from more frequent washing, such as every 6 months.

Yes, power washing is highly effective in removing pollen buildup, which is common during the spring season in Charleston. Our pressure washing services can thoroughly clean your exterior surfaces, including decks, patios, and siding, helping to reduce allergens and improve the look of your property. This is especially beneficial for individuals with allergies.

No, you don’t need to be home during the power washing service as long as we have access to the areas that need cleaning. Our team at Sunset Pressure Washing can handle the job efficiently and securely. We’ll coordinate with you in advance to ensure all necessary preparations are made for a smooth cleaning process.

For businesses in Charleston, maintaining a clean exterior is crucial for attracting customers and projecting a professional image. Power washing removes dirt, grime, and algae from sidewalks, parking lots, and building exteriors, creating a welcoming environment. Regular power washing can enhance curb appeal and help businesses stand out in Charleston’s competitive market.

Press pause on the mess – Schedule your pressure wash now!

Keep your property looking its best with Sunset Pressure Washing. Our power washing services are designed to tackle dirt, grime, mold, and stains, leaving your home or business spotless. Whether you need pressure washing services for your driveway, siding, roof, or commercial space, our team delivers outstanding results every time. Regular power washing not only enhances curb appeal but also protects your property from potential damage. Ready to see the difference a professional clean can make? Book online today, email us at info@sunsetpressurewash.com, or call 864-991-9192 to schedule your service. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to give your property the fresh, clean look it deserves.


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