Power Washing Greenville SC

Looking for a top-notch power washing service in Greenville, SC? At Sunset Pressure Washing, we take pride in delivering exceptional results across North and South Carolina. Imagine your home’s exterior, driveway, or patio transformed from grimy to gleaming, thanks to our expert pressure washing services. Our professional pressure washing service is designed to tackle even the toughest dirt, mold, and mildew buildup, leaving surfaces spotless. As a trusted pressure washing company in the Greenville area, we’re committed to doing a great job every time. With our extensive service area covering Greenville and beyond, you can count on us for reliable and efficient cleaning. Let us help restore your property’s curb appeal with our power washing expertise.

Why Choose our Washing Services in Greenville SC?

Experienced and Professional Team

At Sunset Pressure Washing, our team is skilled and experienced in handling a wide range of power washing needs. We know the best techniques to clean various surfaces without causing damage, ensuring your property stays in top condition. With years of experience in Greenville, SC, we guarantee a thorough and safe cleaning process for every project.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Our pressure washing services are powered by the latest, high-performance equipment. This allows us to deliver superior cleaning results, removing tough stains and grime efficiently. Our advanced tools ensure that your surfaces are cleaned thoroughly, saving you time and delivering a like-new finish.

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

We prioritize your satisfaction and aim to exceed your expectations with every job. Our team goes the extra mile to ensure that every surface is spotless, leaving your property looking its best. We’re not satisfied until you are, and we stand behind our work to provide you with peace of mind.

Competitive Pricing

We offer professional pressure washing services at rates that fit your budget without compromising quality. With our transparent pricing, you know exactly what you’re paying for, with no hidden fees. Choose Sunset Pressure Washing for exceptional value and a great job done every time.

Comprehensive Power Washing Solutions for All Property Types

Residential Pressure Washing Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing offers expert residential pressure washing services to keep your home looking its best. Our house washing and exterior cleaning solutions effectively remove dirt, mold, and mildew from your siding, roof, and windows. We use a powerful pressure washer and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to ensure your home is clean without any risk of damage. From patio cleaning to gutter cleaning, we take care of every detail to prevent buildup and potential water damage. Let us restore your property’s curb appeal with our top-notch residential pressure washing services in Greenville, SC.

Commercial Pressure Washing Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing is your trusted partner for comprehensive commercial power washing services in Greenville, SC. We provide exterior cleaning for all types of commercial properties, from storefronts to office buildings, ensuring a welcoming appearance for customers. Our team uses advanced cleaning solutions and powerful pressure washers to tackle tough stains, debris, and grime. We also offer specialized services like roof cleaning, fence washing, and window cleaning to maintain every aspect of your commercial property. As a reliable pressure washing company, we’re dedicated to delivering spotless results that reflect the professionalism of your business.

Surface Cleaning

Sunset Pressure Washing offers top-tier surface cleaning services to keep your property looking its best. Using advanced cleaning solutions and high-pressure techniques, we ensure all surfaces are free of dirt, grime, and stains. Our team is committed to providing a great job every time, making us the go-to pressure washing company in Greenville, SC.

Driveway Cleaning Greenville SC

Our driveway cleaning services in Greenville, SC, will make your driveway look like new again. Sunset Pressure Washing uses specialized cleaning solutions to break down tough oil stains, dirt, and debris that accumulate over time. Our high-pressure washing technique ensures every inch of your driveway is thoroughly cleaned, improving the overall appearance of your SC home. As a trusted power washing company, we prioritize delivering excellent results that enhance the curb appeal of your property. Choose us for a clean, spotless driveway that stands out in your neighborhood.

Sidewalk Cleaning Greenville SC

Keep your sidewalks safe and clean with our professional sidewalk cleaning services in Greenville, SC. Sunset Pressure Washing uses powerful cleaning solutions and equipment to remove dirt, mold, and mildew that can make sidewalks slippery and unsafe. Our team ensures a thorough clean that not only enhances the appearance of your property but also reduces the risk of slips and falls. As a leading pressure washing company in South Carolina, we are dedicated to providing a great job with every project. Let us refresh your sidewalks and make them look inviting again.

Walkway Cleaning Greenville SC

Make your walkways shine with our walkway cleaning services in Greenville, SC. Sunset Pressure Washing uses a combination of effective cleaning solutions and high-pressure washing to remove built-up grime and stains. Our services are designed to restore the beauty of your walkways, making them look as good as new. We understand that clean walkways can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your SC home or business. Trust our power washing company to deliver outstanding results that leave your walkways spotless.

Concrete Cleaning Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing specializes in concrete cleaning for both residential and commercial properties in Greenville, SC. Using advanced pressure washing techniques, we can remove stubborn stains, dirt, and algae from your concrete surfaces. Our team applies powerful cleaning solutions that penetrate deep into the surface, ensuring a thorough clean every time. Whether it’s your driveway, patio, or other concrete areas, we deliver a great job that enhances the durability and appearance of your surfaces. Rely on our pressure washing company for expert concrete cleaning in South Carolina.

Stair Cleaning Greenville SC

Keep your stairs clean and safe with our professional stair cleaning services in Greenville, SC. Sunset Pressure Washing uses specialized cleaning solutions and high-pressure washing to remove grime and buildup from stair surfaces. Our thorough cleaning helps to prevent slips and falls, ensuring a safer environment for your family or customers. As a reliable power washing company, we focus on delivering high-quality results that maintain the appearance of your property. Trust us to handle your stair cleaning needs with precision and care, making every step spotless.

Building and Exterior Cleaning


Sunset Pressure Washing provides comprehensive building and core exterior cleaning services in Greenville, SC, to keep your property looking its best. Our exterior cleaning solutions are designed to remove dirt, mold, and mildew from various surfaces, ensuring a fresh and well-maintained appearance. Whether you need a complete house wash or targeted roof cleaning, our team is equipped to deliver outstanding results throughout South Carolina.

Stain and Spot Removal


Sunset Pressure Washing specializes in tackling tough stains and spots with our power washing services in Greenville, SC. Our team uses advanced techniques and powerful cleaning solutions to remove stubborn stains from various surfaces, restoring their original appearance. Whether it’s oil, mold, red clay, or rust, our core exterior cleaning services ensure your property looks spotless and well-maintained across South Carolina.

Oil & Grease Stain Removal Greenville SC

Oil and grease stains can be difficult to remove, but Sunset Pressure Washing has the solution for properties in Greenville, SC. Our power washing services use specialized cleaning agents that break down tough oil and grease residues, ensuring a thorough clean. We target stained driveways, garage floors, and parking areas, restoring the original look of these surfaces. Our process is safe and effective, preventing any damage to your property while achieving a deep clean. Trust us to handle even the most persistent oil and grease stains with precision and care in South Carolina.

Mold and Mildew Removal Greenville SC

Mold and mildew can be unsightly and damaging, but our mold and mildew removal services in Greenville, SC, provide a lasting solution. Sunset Pressure Washing uses targeted cleaning techniques and eco-friendly solutions to eliminate mold and mildew from your home’s exterior. Our power washing methods not only remove the visible stains but also help prevent future growth, keeping your property safe and clean. We specialize in treating areas like siding, decks, and outdoor walls to ensure they remain free of harmful buildup. Let us protect your property with our reliable mold and mildew removal services across South Carolina.

Red Clay Removal Greenville SC

Red clay stains can be challenging to clean, but our red clay removal services in Greenville, SC, can restore the beauty of your property. Sunset Pressure Washing uses powerful cleaning solutions and high-pressure washing to break down stubborn red clay deposits on driveways, walkways, and exterior walls. Our experienced team knows how to treat different surfaces without causing damage, ensuring a spotless finish every time. By choosing our core exterior cleaning services, you can be confident that red clay stains will be a thing of the past. Let us bring back the clean, fresh look of your property with our expert red clay removal in South Carolina.

Rust Removal Greenville SC

Rust stains can ruin the look of your exterior surfaces, but Sunset Pressure Washing offers effective rust removal services in Greenville, SC. Our team uses specialized cleaning solutions that break down rust without damaging the underlying material. We target rust stains on concrete, metal, and other exterior surfaces, restoring their clean and polished appearance. Our power washing services are designed to eliminate rust thoroughly, preventing it from spreading and causing further damage. Trust us to keep your property in top condition with our professional rust removal services in South Carolina.

Gum Removal Greenville SC

Gum stuck on sidewalks, driveways, or other surfaces can be an eyesore, but Sunset Pressure Washing has the solution with our gum removal services in Greenville, SC. Our power washing services use high-pressure water jets and effective cleaning agents to remove gum quickly and completely. We ensure that even the most stubborn gum residue is thoroughly removed, leaving your surfaces clean and smooth. Our core exterior cleaning services focus on maintaining the appearance and safety of your property, whether it's for residential or commercial areas. Let us take care of unsightly gum buildup with our efficient gum removal services in South Carolina.

Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning


Truck Washing Services Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing offers professional truck washing services in Greenville, SC, to keep your fleet looking its best. Our truck washing and truck pressure washing solutions remove dirt, grime, and road residue, ensuring your vehicles maintain a clean and professional appearance. We specialize in fleet washing in Greenville, SC, providing thorough cleaning for multiple vehicles, including trucks, trailers, and commercial equipment. Our fleet cleaning services are designed to extend the lifespan of your vehicles by preventing rust and buildup, keeping them in peak condition. Trust us for reliable fleet pressure washing in South Carolina that keeps your trucks clean and ready for the road.

Industry-Specific Power Washing Services

Healthcare Cleaning Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing provides specialized power washing services for healthcare facilities in Greenville, SC, ensuring a clean and sanitized environment. We use high-pressure cleaning techniques and eco-friendly solutions to remove dirt, grime, and contaminants from exterior surfaces. Our services help maintain the highest standards of cleanliness, essential for healthcare settings across South Carolina.

Bank Cleaning Greenville SC

Our bank cleaning services in Greenville, SC, focus on maintaining a pristine exterior that reflects professionalism. Sunset Pressure Washing uses advanced power washing methods to remove dirt, stains, and debris from building facades, walkways, and entryways. We help create a welcoming environment for your clients, ensuring that your bank's exterior always looks its best.

Corporate Cleaning Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing offers corporate cleaning services in Greenville, SC, tailored to keep office buildings and corporate facilities spotless. Our pressure washing solutions remove dirt, mold, and grime from exteriors, walkways, and common areas. We ensure your corporate property maintains a clean and professional appearance that reflects positively on your business.

Car Wash Cleaning Greenville SC

Our car wash cleaning services in Greenville, SC, are designed to keep car wash facilities looking pristine and inviting. Sunset Pressure Washing uses powerful cleaning techniques to remove dirt, oil, and soap residue from walls, bays, and exterior areas. Our service ensures a clean and welcoming environment for your customers, helping your car wash stand out in South Carolina.

School Cleaning Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing offers school cleaning services in Greenville, SC, to keep educational facilities clean and safe. Our power washing techniques are ideal for removing dirt, gum, and graffiti from playgrounds, sidewalks, and building exteriors. We help create a clean and welcoming environment for students, staff, and visitors throughout South Carolina.

Retail Cleaning Greenville SC

Keep your storefronts spotless with our retail cleaning services in Greenville, SC. Sunset Pressure Washing uses effective cleaning solutions to remove stains, dirt, and buildup from sidewalks, entryways, and exterior walls. Our services ensure your retail space looks clean and inviting, helping attract more customers to your business.

Parking Deck Cleaning Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing provides parking deck cleaning services in Greenville, SC, to keep your multi-level parking structures looking their best. We use high-pressure cleaning to remove oil stains, dirt, and debris from parking surfaces and walkways. Our service helps maintain a clean and safe environment for vehicles and pedestrians, ensuring a positive experience for visitors.

Parking Lot Cleaning Greenville SC

Our parking lot cleaning services in Greenville, SC, are designed to keep commercial and residential lots free of dirt, oil, and debris. Sunset Pressure Washing uses powerful pressure washing techniques to remove stains and buildup, improving the appearance of your property. A clean parking lot not only looks better but also enhances safety for drivers and pedestrians.

Apartment Cleaning Greenville SC

Sunset Pressure Washing offers apartment cleaning services in Greenville, SC, to keep multi-family properties looking fresh and clean. Our pressure washing solutions target building exteriors, sidewalks, and common areas to remove grime and mildew. We help create a welcoming environment for residents and visitors, enhancing the curb appeal of your apartment complex.

Gas Station Pressure Washing Greenville SC

Keep your gas station clean and inviting with our gas station pressure washing services in Greenville, SC. Sunset Pressure Washing uses advanced equipment to remove fuel stains, oil spills, and grime from pumps, canopies, and concrete surfaces. Our services ensure a safe and clean environment for your customers, helping to maintain the reputation of your station across South Carolina.

Benefits of Regular Professional Power Washing in Greenville SC

Enhances Curb Appeal

Regular professional power washing helps maintain the pristine appearance of your property, making a great first impression. It effectively removes dirt, mold, and mildew from exterior surfaces, restoring their original shine. By keeping your home or business clean, you can boost its curb appeal and make it more inviting for guests or customers in Greenville, SC.

Prevents Damage

Mold, mildew, and algae can contribute to poor air quality and create a slippery, unsafe environment. Professional power washing removes these contaminants, helping to keep your surroundings clean and healthy. Regular cleaning can reduce the risk of allergies and respiratory issues for your family, employees, or customers in Greenville, SC.

Promotes a Healthier Environment

Built-up dirt, mold, and mildew can contribute to poor air quality and create an unhealthy environment, especially for those with allergies or respiratory issues. Professional power washing eliminates these contaminants, promoting a cleaner and healthier outdoor space. This is especially important for homes, schools, and healthcare facilities where a healthy environment is crucial.

Saves Time and Effort

Hiring professionals for regular power washing saves you the time and hassle of trying to do it yourself. Our expert team at Sunset Pressure Washing has the right equipment and techniques to clean surfaces quickly and efficiently. This means you can focus on other important tasks while we handle the tough job of keeping your property spotless.

Gallery of Our Work

soft washing house soft washing house completed
pressure washing dumpster pad finished pressure washing dumpster pad

Our Power Washing Process


Contact Us

Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at info@sunsetpressurewash.com, or book online through our booking form. Our friendly team at Sunset Pressure Washing is ready to answer your questions and schedule a consultation at your convenience.


Receive a Free Quote

Once you reach out, we’ll provide a free, no-obligation quote based on your specific needs. Our team will assess the surfaces that need cleaning and recommend the best power washing solutions for your property. We ensure transparency in pricing, so you know exactly what to expect before any work begins.


Have Your Property Cleaned Right

After you approve the quote, our professional team will arrive at your property fully equipped to do the job. We use advanced power washing techniques and eco-friendly solutions to deliver a thorough, effective clean. With our expertise, you can be confident that your property will look its best and be free from dirt, grime, and stains.


FAQs about Power Washing in Greenville SC

Pressure washing and power washing are similar cleaning methods, but the key difference is heat. Power washing uses heated water, which makes it more effective at removing stubborn dirt, grime, and grease from surfaces. Pressure washing uses regular-temperature water but at a high pressure, which is ideal for general cleaning of surfaces like patios, decks, and sidewalks. Both methods are effective, but power washing is often chosen for tougher stains and surfaces that need deeper cleaning.

The results of power washing a house typically last from six months to a year, depending on the location and environmental conditions. Factors like the amount of rain, humidity, and nearby vegetation can influence how quickly dirt and algae build up again. In a place like Greenville, SC, where the weather can be variable, scheduling regular cleanings can help maintain a clean exterior throughout the year. Power washing annually is generally recommended for most homes.

Soft power washing is a cleaning method that uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning solutions. It is ideal for more delicate surfaces like siding, roofs, and windows, where high pressure could cause damage. This method gently removes dirt, mold, and mildew without harming the exterior surfaces, making it a popular choice for house washing in Greenville, SC. Soft power washing ensures your property is thoroughly cleaned without the risk of damage.

Power washing a 2000 square foot house usually takes around 2 to 4 hours, depending on the condition of the surfaces and the level of dirt and grime. Factors such as the complexity of the structure, the type of exterior material, and any additional areas like decks or driveways can affect the time needed. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we aim to complete the job efficiently without sacrificing the quality of our service. Our team ensures that each area is properly cleaned, providing a thorough and effective wash for your home in Greenville, SC.

The best time to pressure wash a house in Greenville, SC, is typically during the spring or early fall. These seasons offer moderate temperatures, allowing the cleaning to be done effectively without extreme heat or cold. Spring is ideal for removing dirt and mold that may have built up over the winter, while early fall prepares your home before the cooler weather sets in. Avoiding the hot summer months can also prevent rapid drying, which can leave behind streaks.

It’s recommended to power wash the exterior of your house at least once a year to maintain a clean and well-kept appearance. However, if your home is in a location with high humidity, such as Greenville, SC, where mold and mildew are common, you may need to wash it more frequently. Power washing every 6 months can help keep your home looking its best and prevent damage from buildup. Regular maintenance also helps preserve the longevity of your siding and other exterior materials.

For most homes, washing once or twice a year is sufficient to maintain a clean exterior. In areas like Greenville, SC, where humidity and rainfall are factors, you might need to wash your house twice a year to prevent mold and algae buildup. Homes that are shaded or surrounded by trees may require more frequent washing due to the likelihood of organic debris and moisture accumulation. By keeping a regular cleaning schedule, you can prevent damage and maintain your home’s curb appeal.

Yes, power washing is safe for homes in Greenville, SC, when performed by experienced professionals like Sunset Pressure Washing. Our team uses the appropriate pressure levels and cleaning solutions for different surfaces to ensure a thorough yet gentle clean. We adjust our methods to fit the needs of your home, ensuring that the cleaning process doesn’t damage siding, windows, or roofs. Regular power washing helps keep your property looking fresh while maintaining the integrity of its exterior.

Power washing is suitable for a wide range of surfaces around homes in Greenville, SC, including siding, decks, driveways, patios, and roofs. It’s especially effective on surfaces that accumulate dirt, mold, and algae over time. Sunset Pressure Washing uses specialized cleaning solutions to ensure each surface is cleaned without damage, restoring your property’s original appearance. Our services can also include cleaning fences, outdoor furniture, and concrete areas.

In Greenville, SC, the high humidity levels can lead to mold, mildew, and algae growth on exterior surfaces. Regular power washing helps control these issues by removing buildup before it becomes a bigger problem. By keeping surfaces clean, power washing can also improve air quality around your property and reduce the chances of moisture-related damage. It’s an effective way to manage the effects of the local climate on your home or business.

Yes, power washing is an excellent way to remove pollen, dust, and other allergens that accumulate on exterior surfaces in Greenville, SC. During pollen season, these particles can coat your home’s siding, windows, and outdoor living spaces, affecting air quality. Power washing helps to thoroughly clean these areas, making your outdoor spaces more enjoyable and reducing allergens that might affect your family. Sunset Pressure Washing ensures a deep clean that enhances your home’s comfort.

To prepare your home in Greenville, SC, for power washing, it’s best to remove any outdoor furniture, potted plants, and other items near the areas being cleaned. Ensure that all doors and windows are tightly closed to prevent water from getting inside. If you have pets, it’s also a good idea to keep them indoors during the cleaning process. Sunset Pressure Washing can guide you through the preparation steps to ensure a smooth and effective cleaning session.

Got dirt? Let us handle the dirty work  – book now!

Keep your property looking its best with Sunset Pressure Washing’s reliable power washing services in Greenville, SC. Our expert team is ready to tackle any dirt, grime, or stain that comes your way, ensuring a spotless and well-maintained exterior. From driveways and sidewalks to homes and commercial buildings, we offer pressure washing services that deliver exceptional results every time. With our advanced equipment and professional approach, we make exterior cleaning easy and effective. Don’t wait any longer to give your property the care it deserves. Book online, email us at info@sunsetpressurewash.com, or call 864-991-9192 to schedule your free quote today. Let Sunset Pressure Washing transform your property and bring back its shine!


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