Residential Pressure Washing Raleigh NC

Looking for a way to give your Raleigh, NC home a fresh, clean look? Our residential pressure washing services are just what you need to revive your home’s exterior. Picture years of grime, dirt, and mildew melting away from your driveway, sidewalks, and siding. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we specialize in power washing homes across Raleigh and surrounding areas of North Carolina. From roof washing to driveway cleaning, our Raleigh pressure washing services leave every corner spotless. Our professional pressure cleaning can make a dramatic difference, adding curb appeal and preserving your home’s value. Let us help you bring back that like-new shine to your home.


Why Choose Our Residential Pressure Washing Services in Raleigh NC?

Experienced and Professional Team

Our Raleigh pressure washing team is highly trained and experienced in handling all types of surfaces. We use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure a thorough clean without causing any damage to your property. You can trust us to deliver exceptional results every time, leaving your home looking spotless and refreshed.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

We care about the environment, which is why we use eco-friendly cleaning solutions for all our pressure washing services. Our products are tough on dirt and grime but gentle on your home and landscaping. This ensures a safe, clean environment for your family and pets while achieving the best results.

Customized Services to Meet Your Needs

Every home is different, so we offer tailored pressure washing services to suit your unique needs. Whether it’s a deep clean for your roof or a gentle wash for delicate surfaces, we adjust our approach to ensure the best outcome. Our goal is to provide personalized service that addresses your home’s specific cleaning requirements.

Competitive Pricing with No Hidden Costs

We believe in providing high-quality pressure washing services at fair and transparent prices. With us, there are no hidden fees—just honest rates for the services you need. Our competitive pricing makes it easy for Raleigh homeowners to maintain their property without breaking the bank.

Exterior Home Cleaning

Maintaining a clean exterior is essential to preserving the beauty and value of your home. Our exterior cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to remove dirt, grime, and mold that build up over time. With our expert techniques like house washing, roof cleaning, and soft washing, we’ll ensure your home’s exterior looks fresh and inviting year-round.

House Washing Raleigh NC

House washing is a simple way to restore the original look of your home’s exterior. Our Raleigh, NC house washing services use advanced pressure washing techniques to eliminate stubborn dirt, algae, and mildew from your siding. This not only improves curb appeal but also helps to protect your home’s surfaces from long-term damage. We carefully adjust the pressure to suit different materials, ensuring a thorough clean without any risk to your home’s exterior. Trust us to keep your property looking its best with our reliable exterior cleaning services.

Roof Cleaning Raleigh NC

Roof cleaning is crucial for preventing damage and extending the lifespan of your roof. Our professional roof cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, focus on safely removing algae, moss, and other debris that can cause deterioration. Using a soft wash technique, we clean your roof without the harsh pressure that can cause damage to shingles. This gentle approach ensures a deep clean that protects your roof while restoring its appearance. With our expertise, you can keep your roof in top condition and maintain the value of your home.

Soft Washing Raleigh NC

Soft washing is the perfect solution for delicate surfaces that need a gentle touch. Our soft wash technique uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning agents to break down dirt, mold, and mildew. It’s ideal for surfaces like stucco, vinyl, and painted wood that might be damaged by traditional pressure washing. In Raleigh, NC, our soft washing services are designed to give your home a thorough, yet gentle clean that preserves the integrity of your exterior. Let us take care of your home’s softer side with our safe and effective soft washing method.

Surface Cleaning

Keeping your outdoor surfaces clean is essential for maintaining a neat and safe environment around your home. Our surface cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to tackle everything from driveways to sidewalks, removing dirt, stains, and even graffiti. With our expert cleaning service, you can ensure that every part of your property looks fresh and welcoming.

Driveway Cleaning Raleigh NC

Driveway cleaning is a crucial part of maintaining your home’s exterior appeal. Our Raleigh, NC driveway cleaning service uses high-pressure techniques to remove oil stains, dirt, and grime buildup. We focus on delivering a deep clean that revitalizes your driveway, giving it a like-new appearance. By removing these stains, we not only improve your home’s curb appeal but also help prevent long-term damage to the concrete surface. Trust our professional team to keep your driveway spotless and safe for daily use.

Sidewalk Cleaning Raleigh NC

Sidewalks are high-traffic areas that can quickly accumulate dirt, mold, and even graffiti. Our sidewalk cleaning service in Raleigh, NC, uses targeted pressure washing techniques to restore the appearance of these surfaces. We remove stains, algae, and other buildup that can make sidewalks slippery and unsightly. Our goal is to create a clean, safe path for pedestrians while enhancing the overall appearance of your property. Let us keep your sidewalks looking their best with our reliable and thorough cleaning service.

Walkway Cleaning Raleigh NC

Walkways add charm to your home, but they need regular care to maintain their beauty. Our walkway cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to remove dirt, moss, and organic stains from your paths. We use professional pressure washing techniques to clean every inch of your walkways, making them look inviting and fresh. Our cleaning service helps prevent slipping hazards, keeping your walkways safe for family and guests. Trust us to provide a thorough clean that makes a lasting difference to your outdoor spaces.


Concrete Cleaning Raleigh NC

Concrete surfaces can be tough to clean, but our concrete cleaning service in Raleigh, NC, makes it easy. Using high-pressure washing and specialized solutions, we remove tough stains like oil, grease, and graffiti from your concrete areas. Whether it’s your driveway, patio, or sidewalks, our team delivers a deep clean that restores the original look of your concrete. Regular concrete cleaning can extend the lifespan of these surfaces, preventing cracks and damage caused by dirt buildup. Let us bring your concrete back to life with our professional cleaning service.

Stair Cleaning Raleigh NC

Stairs are often exposed to dirt, mud, and weather, making them prone to stains and buildup. Our stair cleaning service in Raleigh, NC, is designed to thoroughly clean and refresh these high-traffic areas. We use a combination of pressure washing and gentle techniques to remove dirt and algae without damaging the surface. Clean stairs not only look better but are also safer, reducing the risk of slips and falls. Rely on our expert team to keep your outdoor stairs clean, safe, and looking their best.

Stair Cleaning

Stain and Spot Removal

Stubborn stains and spots can quickly detract from the appearance of your property, making it look worn out and neglected. Our stain and spot removal services in the Raleigh area are designed to tackle everything from oil spills to mold, using advanced power washing techniques. With our expertise, you can count on a spotless finish that restores the beauty and cleanliness of your outdoor spaces.

Oil and Grease Stain Removal Raleigh NC

Oil and grease stains can be tough to remove, especially from driveways and parking areas. Our power washing services in Raleigh, NC, use specialized pressure washers to break down and lift these stubborn stains. We focus on deep cleaning to ensure that oil and grease residues are completely eliminated, leaving your surfaces looking like new. This process not only improves the appearance of your driveway but also helps prevent slippery spots that can be hazardous. Let our team handle those tough oil and grease stains with precision and care.

Mold and Mildew Removal Raleigh NC

Mold and mildew can quickly spread across outdoor surfaces, creating unsightly stains and even damaging your property over time. Our Raleigh area power washing services are designed to effectively remove mold and mildew, using powerful, targeted cleaning techniques. We ensure that these growths are thoroughly eliminated, preventing their return and keeping your home safe and healthy. Our professional pressure washers can handle even the toughest cases, restoring the appearance of your exterior surfaces. Protect your home’s value and curb appeal with our expert mold and mildew removal services.

Red Clay Removal Raleigh NC

Red clay stains are common in North Carolina and can be particularly stubborn to remove from concrete and brick surfaces. Our Raleigh NC power washing services specialize in tackling red clay stains, using high-pressure washers to lift the clay particles from your surfaces. This deep-cleaning process is perfect for driveways, walkways, and patios that have become stained over time. We restore the natural color of your surfaces, giving them a fresh and clean appearance once again. Trust our team to remove those tough red clay stains and revitalize your outdoor spaces.

before red clay removal concrete

Rust Removal Raleigh NC

Rust stains can appear on a variety of surfaces, including concrete, brick, and metal fixtures, and can be a real eyesore. Our rust removal services in the Raleigh area use targeted power washing techniques to break down and eliminate rust stains. Using specialized cleaning solutions along with high-pressure washing, we ensure that rust is removed without damaging the underlying surfaces. This service is ideal for restoring the look of patios, driveways, and even outdoor furniture. Rely on our expertise to handle rust stains and keep your property looking clean and well-maintained.

Gum Removal Raleigh NC

Gum stuck on sidewalks, parking lots, or walkways can be difficult to remove without professional help. Our Raleigh NC gum removal services use high-powered pressure washers to quickly and effectively lift gum from any surface. The heat and pressure work together to break down the sticky residue, leaving your surfaces clean and free from unsightly spots. This process is perfect for high-traffic areas, ensuring that they remain clean and welcoming for visitors. With our expert gum removal service, you can keep your property looking its best without the hassle.

Other Tailored Services

We understand that every home has unique cleaning needs, which is why we offer a variety of tailored services to keep your property looking its best. From window cleaning to gutter maintenance, our services are designed to complement our power washing solutions. Whether you need a complete exterior refresh or just a specific area cleaned, we’re here to deliver exceptional results in Raleigh, NC.

Window Cleaning Services Raleigh NC

Windows are a vital part of your home’s appearance, and keeping them clean can make a big difference. Our window cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, are designed to remove dirt, streaks, and smudges for a crystal-clear finish. Using safe and effective cleaning methods, we ensure that your windows are spotless inside and out. Clean windows not only enhance your home’s curb appeal but also allow more natural light into your living spaces. Let our team handle the hard-to-reach spots and keep your windows looking their best all year round.

window cleaning
After gutter cleaning

Gutter Cleaning Services Raleigh NC

Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and costly repairs if not maintained properly. Our gutter cleaning services in Raleigh, NC, focus on removing leaves, debris, and buildup that can block the flow of rainwater. We use professional techniques to ensure that your gutters are free of obstructions, protecting your home’s foundation and roof. Regular gutter cleaning helps prevent issues like leaks, mold growth, and erosion around your home. Trust our experts to keep your gutters clean and functioning properly with our reliable service.

Curb Appeal Pressure Washing Raleigh NC

First impressions matter, and our curb appeal pressure washing services are designed to make your home stand out. Whether it’s cleaning your driveway, sidewalks, or exterior walls, we use advanced power washing techniques to remove dirt and grime. Our Raleigh, NC, team understands the importance of maintaining a clean and inviting exterior, and we tailor our services to suit your home’s specific needs. A thorough residential pressure washing can refresh your property, boosting its overall appearance and value. Let us help you make a lasting impression with a spotless exterior.

Power Washing Raleigh NC

Our power washing services in Raleigh, NC, are perfect for tackling tough stains and buildup on various surfaces. From patios to decks and driveways, we use high-pressure water to blast away dirt, algae, and other stubborn residues. This powerful method is ideal for restoring the look of hard surfaces, making them look like new again. Our team is equipped to handle all types of residential pressure washing needs, delivering results that exceed your expectations. Choose our professional power washing services for a cleaner, more beautiful home exterior.

Benefits of Regular Professional Residential Pressure Washing in Raleigh NC

Boosts Curb Appeal

Regular professional residential pressure washing can make your Raleigh, NC home look its best by removing dirt, mold, and algae that accumulate over time. A clean exterior instantly improves the overall appearance of your property, making it more inviting and attractive. This boost in curb appeal is especially valuable if you’re planning to sell your home or host special events.

Prevents Damage

Mold, mildew, and algae can cause significant damage to your home’s exterior surfaces if left untreated. Regular pressure washing helps to remove these harmful growths, preventing them from eating away at your siding, deck, or driveway. By addressing these issues early, you can save on costly repairs and extend the lifespan of your home’s exterior.

Promotes a Healthier Environment

Dirt, allergens, and pollutants can accumulate on your home’s surfaces, contributing to poor air quality around your property. Regular pressure washing removes these contaminants, creating a healthier environment for you and your family. This is especially important for those with allergies or respiratory conditions, as it helps keep the air around your home fresh and clean.

Saves Time and Effort

Hiring professionals for regular residential pressure washing saves you the time and effort of tackling the job yourself. With their expertise and specialized equipment, they can complete the task efficiently and effectively, achieving better results than DIY methods. This allows you to focus on other priorities while enjoying a clean, well-maintained home exterior.

Gallery Of Our Work

soft washing house soft washing house completed
pressure washing dumpster pad finished pressure washing dumpster pad

Our Residential Pressure Washing Process

Contact Us

Getting started is easy. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at, or book online through our booking form. Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and schedule a convenient time for your free quote.

Receive a Free Quote

Once you reach out, we’ll provide a free, no-obligation quote based on your specific pressure washing needs. Our transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what to expect, with no hidden costs or surprises. We tailor our quotes to match the scope of the job, so you get the best value for your investment.

Have Your Property Cleaned Right

After you approve the quote, our team will arrive on time and equipped with professional-grade tools to get the job done right. We take care to protect your property while delivering a thorough and efficient clean. From driveways to siding, we’ll leave your home’s exterior looking fresh and renewed.

FAQs about Residential Pressure Washing in Raleigh NC

pressure washing roof

The cost to pressure wash a house in Raleigh, NC, is typically calculated based on the size of the home, the extent of the dirt and stains, and the specific areas that need cleaning. Factors such as the type of siding, accessibility, and any special treatments required (like mold removal) can also affect pricing. Most companies provide a free estimate after assessing your home, ensuring you get a fair and accurate quote tailored to your needs.

While both pressure washing and power washing use high-pressure water to clean surfaces, the key difference lies in the temperature of the water. Power washing uses heated water, which helps to break down tough stains, grease, and grime more effectively. Pressure washing, on the other hand, uses regular temperature water, making it ideal for general exterior cleaning without the risk of damaging surfaces like wood or vinyl.

Soft power washing is a cleaning method that uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning agents to safely clean surfaces. It is especially effective for delicate areas like roofs, siding, and painted surfaces where traditional pressure washing could cause damage. The gentle approach allows for thorough cleaning of mold, mildew, and dirt without harming the structure or finish of the material.

The time it takes to pressure wash a 2000 sq ft house in Raleigh, NC, depends on factors such as the level of dirt buildup, the type of surfaces, and the complexity of the home’s exterior. Typically, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours for a complete clean. If the home requires additional treatments, like mold removal or extra care for specific surfaces, the time may vary slightly.

Most homes in Raleigh, NC, benefit from a professional pressure washing once a year to maintain their appearance and prevent buildup of dirt, mold, and mildew. However, if your home is located in an area with high humidity or near a wooded area, you may need to consider pressure washing more frequently, about every 6 to 8 months. Regular maintenance can help protect your home’s exterior from damage and keep it looking its best.

Yes, pressure washing is safe for homes in Raleigh, NC, especially when done by professionals who understand the local climate and environmental conditions. The area’s humidity and frequent rain can contribute to mold and algae growth, making pressure washing an effective solution to keep surfaces clean. Proper techniques ensure that your home’s materials are not damaged during the cleaning process.

Yes, we offer pressure washing services throughout the year in Raleigh, NC, including winter. While winter can present challenges like cooler temperatures, our team uses equipment that is suitable for various weather conditions. We take the necessary precautions to ensure safe and effective cleaning, so your home can stay clean year-round.

Absolutely! Raleigh is known for its seasonal pollen, which can coat your home’s exterior in a yellow layer during spring. Our pressure washing services are highly effective at removing pollen buildup from siding, driveways, and windows, helping to improve the appearance of your property and reduce allergens. A thorough wash can also prevent pollen from settling into cracks and crevices.

Pressure washing can significantly improve your home’s curb appeal by removing dirt, mold, algae, and other unsightly stains that accumulate over time. In Raleigh, NC, where weather conditions can contribute to surface buildup, a professional pressure wash can make a dramatic difference. A clean exterior creates a welcoming first impression, whether you’re planning to sell your home or simply want to maintain a beautiful property.

No, you do not need to be home while we perform pressure washing services at your Raleigh, NC residence. As long as we have access to the areas that need cleaning and a water source, our team can complete the job efficiently. We will keep you updated throughout the process to ensure that everything meets your expectations.

Make your home shine, one wash at a time!

Keep your home looking its best with Sunset Pressure Washing’s reliable residential pressure washing services. A clean exterior not only enhances your curb appeal but also protects your property from damage caused by dirt, mold, and grime buildup. Our expert team is ready to tackle even the toughest stains with our top-notch pressure washing services. We make it easy to get started—simply book online, email us at, or call 864-991-9192 for a free quote. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, we’re here to meet your needs. Let us handle the hard work while you enjoy a spotless, beautiful home. Contact Sunset Pressure Washing today and see the difference a professional clean can make!


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