Soft Washing Asheville NC
Is your property in Asheville, NC looking a little worse for wear due to dirt and grime buildup? Our soft washing and pressure washing services at Sunset Pressure Washing are here to bring it back to life. Using a gentle soft washing technique, we clean siding, roofs, and other delicate surfaces without risking damage, making your home look fresh and well-kept. For tougher surfaces like driveways and patios, our powerful pressure washing cuts through stubborn grime. Imagine a driveway free from stains and an exterior that looks new again. Serving the Asheville area, we’re dedicated to delivering high-quality results you can see. Let us handle the dirty work so your property in North Carolina stays clean and inviting year-round.
Why Choose our Soft Washing Services in Asheville NC?
Safe and Gentle for All Surfaces
Our soft washing technique uses low-pressure water and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to safely remove dirt, mold, and grime from delicate surfaces. This gentle approach protects materials like siding, roofs, and wood from the damage high pressure can cause. You get a thorough, effective clean without any risk to your property’s structure.
Expert Knowledge of Asheville’s Climate
As a local pressure washing service in Asheville, NC, we understand the unique challenges that come with the area’s humid, seasonal climate. Our team is trained to handle specific issues like mold, mildew, and algae that thrive in this environment. With our expertise, we provide a deeper, longer-lasting clean tailored to Asheville’s weather conditions.
Enhanced Curb Appeal
Regular soft washing not only removes buildup but also brightens and refreshes your property’s appearance, making it look newer and more inviting. Clean surfaces free from dirt, stains, and mildew enhance your property’s curb appeal, which is beneficial if you’re planning to sell or simply want to maintain a welcoming look. Sunset Pressure Washing is here to give your property the curb appeal boost it deserves.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions
We prioritize environmentally friendly practices, using biodegradable cleaning agents that are safe for your family, pets, and the surrounding landscape. Our soft wash process is gentle on the environment while still delivering a powerful clean. When you choose Sunset Pressure Washing, you’re choosing a sustainable way to maintain a clean and healthy property.
Comprehensive Soft Washing Solutions for All Property Types
Exterior Home and Building Cleaning
Keeping the exterior of your home or building clean is essential for maintaining its appearance and longevity. At Sunset Pressure Washing in Asheville, NC, we offer expert exterior cleaning services tailored to remove dirt, algae, and stains from all surfaces. Our house washing, roof cleaning, and curb appeal services ensure your property looks its best year-round.
Window and Gutter Cleaning
Clean windows and clear gutters are essential for maintaining both the appearance and function of your home. At Sunset Pressure Washing in Asheville, NC, we provide professional window and gutter cleaning services to keep your property looking fresh and protected from water damage. Using specialized techniques and effective cleaning solutions, we ensure a thorough, streak-free finish on windows and clog-free gutters year-round.
Window Cleaning Asheville, NC
Our window cleaning service in Asheville, NC is designed to remove dirt, smudges, and grime from all types of windows, giving your home a bright, polished look. We use gentle, eco-friendly cleaning solutions to leave windows spotless without leaving streaks or residue. With the right attachments, our pressure washer ensures windows on upper floors are cleaned safely and effectively. Regular window cleaning enhances curb appeal and allows more natural light into your home. Sunset Pressure Washing guarantees a clear view, making your windows look as good as new.
Gutter Cleaning Asheville, NC
Clogged gutters can lead to serious issues, including water damage to your foundation, roof, and landscaping. Our gutter cleaning service in Asheville, NC removes leaves, debris, and buildup to keep water flowing smoothly and prevent overflow. We use a combination of pressure washer attachments and manual techniques to clear even the most stubborn clogs without damaging the gutters. Clean gutters protect your home from potential flooding and other costly repairs. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle your gutter cleaning needs, so you can enjoy a safe, well-maintained property.
Surface Cleaning
Keeping outdoor surfaces clean not only enhances the look of your property but also ensures safety by reducing slip hazards. Sunset Pressure Washing in Asheville, NC offers professional surface cleaning services using a combination of soft washing and targeted pressure washer techniques. From sidewalks to driveways, our team ensures that all surfaces are free from dirt, algae, and stains for a fresh, inviting appearance.
Sidewalk Cleaning Asheville, NC
Sidewalks endure heavy foot traffic and are prone to collecting dirt, algae, and stains over time. Our sidewalk cleaning service in Asheville, NC utilizes pressure washers to effectively remove tough grime while using soft washing methods on delicate areas. We focus on delivering a deep clean that enhances both appearance and safety by reducing slip hazards. Regular sidewalk cleaning also helps extend the life of the concrete and keeps your property looking well-maintained. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you can expect sidewalks that look refreshed and welcoming.
Stair Cleaning Asheville, NC
Outdoor stairs are constantly exposed to the elements, which can lead to the buildup of dirt, algae, and moss, making them both unsightly and potentially slippery. Our stair cleaning service in Asheville, NC combines soft washing and pressure washing techniques to remove contaminants without causing damage. By carefully cleaning each step, we enhance both the safety and the appearance of your stairs. Regular cleaning helps preserve the surface material, whether concrete, wood, or stone. Sunset Pressure Washing provides thorough, professional stair cleaning to keep your outdoor steps safe and spotless.
Walkway Cleaning Asheville, NC
Walkways connect important areas around your property and should be kept clean to maintain a polished look. Our walkway cleaning service in Asheville, NC uses pressure washers to clear away dirt, stains, and algae, restoring walkways to their original appearance. For surfaces that require a gentler touch, we also employ soft washing techniques that are effective yet safe for delicate materials. Clean walkways boost curb appeal and offer a safer path for visitors and residents. Sunset Pressure Washing ensures that your walkways are inviting and free from grime.
Stain and Growth Removal
Unwanted stains and organic growth like mold, mildew, red clay, and rust can diminish the look of your property and cause long-term issues if left untreated. At Sunset Pressure Washing in Asheville, NC, we offer specialized soft washing services to safely remove these stains and contaminants from various surfaces. Our soft washing technique ensures a deep, gentle clean that restores your property’s appearance without causing damage.
Mold and Mildew Removal Asheville, NC
Mold and mildew are common problems in humid environments, quickly growing on siding, roofs, and other exterior surfaces. Our mold and mildew removal service in Asheville, NC uses soft washing to safely and effectively eliminate these growths at their source. The low-pressure soft wash method, combined with eco-friendly cleaning solutions, penetrates the surface to remove mold and mildew without harming your property. This not only improves your home’s appearance but also helps protect against health issues associated with mold. With Sunset Pressure Washing, you can count on a thorough, safe removal that keeps your property looking fresh and clean.
Red Clay Removal Asheville, NC
Red clay stains are a persistent issue in many areas, especially on concrete, brick, and stone surfaces. Our red clay removal service in Asheville, NC uses soft washing services to break down and lift red clay particles without damaging the surface. This specialized soft wash technique restores the natural look of your driveways, patios, and sidewalks, removing tough stains that regular cleaning can’t handle. Routine red clay removal not only improves the aesthetic of your property but also prevents permanent staining. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to deliver a spotless finish that enhances your property’s curb appeal.
Rust Removal Asheville, NC
Rust stains can appear on a variety of surfaces, from metal fixtures to concrete and siding, making your property look aged and neglected. Our rust removal service in Asheville, NC employs a soft washing approach to dissolve rust without causing any surface damage. Using targeted cleaning solutions, Sunset Pressure Washing lifts rust stains effectively, restoring a clean, fresh appearance to areas affected by rust. Regular rust removal protects your property from further corrosion and keeps it looking well-maintained. With our soft washing services, you can enjoy a rust-free, polished look on all your exterior surfaces.
Industry-Specific Soft Washing Services
Healthcare Cleaning Asheville, NC
In healthcare facilities, a clean and sanitized exterior is crucial for safety and creating a welcoming environment. Our healthcare cleaning services in Asheville, NC use gentle soft washing techniques to remove dirt, mold, and grime without harming sensitive surfaces. Sunset Pressure Washing ensures that your healthcare facility maintains a spotless, professional appearance that supports the highest standards of care.
Bank Cleaning Asheville, NC
A well-maintained exterior is essential for banks to convey trust and professionalism. Our bank cleaning services in Asheville, NC use effective soft washing methods to clean building facades, ATMs, and drive-thru areas, removing dirt and buildup safely. Sunset Pressure Washing helps your bank maintain an inviting, polished look that leaves a positive impression on clients.
Corporate Cleaning Asheville, NC
A clean corporate building enhances professionalism and provides a welcoming atmosphere for employees and visitors. Our corporate cleaning services in Asheville, NC use soft washing to safely clean exterior surfaces, including windows, siding, and entryways. Sunset Pressure Washing keeps your corporate property looking pristine, ensuring a positive first impression every time.
School Cleaning Asheville, NC
A clean school environment promotes safety, health, and a positive learning experience. Our school cleaning services in Asheville, NC use soft washing to remove dirt, mold, and algae from playgrounds, walkways, and building exteriors. Sunset Pressure Washing provides thorough, gentle cleaning that helps schools maintain a welcoming and safe space for students and staff.
Retail Cleaning Asheville, NC
An inviting storefront is key to attracting customers and enhancing their shopping experience. Our retail cleaning services in Asheville, NC use soft washing to clean windows, sidewalks, and building exteriors, removing stains and grime for a fresh look. With Sunset Pressure Washing, your retail property will look polished and appealing, helping to drive foot traffic and boost sales.
Apartment Cleaning Asheville, NC
Keeping apartment complexes clean is essential for maintaining curb appeal and resident satisfaction. Our apartment cleaning services in Asheville, NC use soft washing to safely remove dirt, mold, and algae from common areas, building exteriors, and balconies. Sunset Pressure Washing ensures that your apartment community remains attractive, clean, and comfortable for residents and guests.
Benefits of Regular Professional Soft Washing
Protects Your Property from Damage
Regular soft washing removes harmful contaminants like mold, algae, and dirt that can gradually deteriorate your property’s exterior surfaces. Unlike traditional pressure washing, soft washing is gentle on siding, roofs, and other delicate materials, preserving their integrity. This proactive approach extends the lifespan of your exterior surfaces and helps you avoid costly repairs over time.
Enhances Curb Appeal
A clean, well-maintained exterior immediately boosts your property’s curb appeal, making it look fresh and inviting. Soft washing removes unsightly stains, grime, and organic growth from visible areas like walls, walkways, and entryways. This boost in appearance not only makes your property more welcoming but also increases its overall value.
Promotes a Healthier Environment
Mold, mildew, and algae aren’t just unsightly—they can also affect air quality and trigger allergies or respiratory issues. Regular soft washing eliminates these contaminants, creating a cleaner, healthier outdoor space for your family, employees, or customers. By keeping growth at bay, soft washing helps maintain a safe environment around your property.
Saves Time and Effort
Professional soft washing services save you the time and hassle of trying to clean your property’s exterior yourself. Using the right equipment and techniques, Sunset Pressure Washing delivers a thorough, long-lasting clean that DIY methods can’t achieve. With our help, you can enjoy a spotless property without lifting a finger, knowing it’s been cleaned right.
Gallery of Our Work




Our Soft Washing Process
Contact Us
Getting started with Sunset Pressure Washing is simple. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at, or book online through our convenient booking form. Our friendly team is here to answer your questions and schedule a time that works best for you.
Receive a Free Quote
After contacting us, we’ll provide a free, no-obligation quote based on the specific needs of your property. We carefully assess the areas to be cleaned and offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect before we start any work.
Have Your Property Cleaned Right
On your scheduled service day, our skilled team will arrive promptly to perform the soft washing. We use eco-friendly cleaning solutions and low-pressure techniques to safely remove dirt, mold, and grime from your property. Sunset Pressure Washing guarantees a thorough, high-quality clean that will leave your property looking refreshed and revitalized.
FAQs About Soft Washing in Asheville NC
Yes, soft washing is worth the investment as it provides a thorough, long-lasting clean without damaging delicate surfaces. This method removes dirt, mold, and algae from siding, roofs, and other areas, extending the lifespan of your exterior surfaces. Regular soft washing also enhances curb appeal, making your home or business look well-maintained. In the humid climate of Asheville, NC, soft washing is especially beneficial as it prevents the rapid buildup of organic growth.
Soft wash treatment is a low-pressure cleaning method that combines eco-friendly cleaning solutions with water to remove contaminants from surfaces. It is ideal for materials like siding, roofs, and fences that might be damaged by high-pressure washing. The cleaning agents used in soft washing penetrate deep to break down dirt, mold, and algae at the root, preventing regrowth. This method is gentle yet effective, making it suitable for a wide range of exterior surfaces.
The cost of soft washing vs. pressure washing depends on the specific surface and cleaning requirements. Soft washing may have a slightly higher initial cost due to the specialized equipment and solutions involved, but it can be more cost-effective over time. It’s safer for delicate surfaces, reducing the risk of damage and potential repair costs. For surfaces that need gentle care, soft washing is a better investment than traditional pressure washing.
The time required to soft wash a house depends on its size, condition, and the level of dirt and buildup. Typically, a standard-sized house in Asheville, NC can be soft washed in about 2 to 4 hours. Larger properties or heavily soiled areas may take additional time. Sunset Pressure Washing ensures a thorough, careful clean without rushing, so you get the best results.
While it’s possible to use a pressure washer for soft washing with specific attachments and settings, it’s generally safer to hire professionals. Soft washing requires low PSI settings and specialized nozzles to avoid damaging surfaces. Additionally, proper soft washing involves eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are best applied by trained experts like Sunset Pressure Washing to ensure a safe and effective clean.
A soft wash typically uses a PSI between 100 and 500, which is much lower than traditional pressure washing. This gentle pressure, combined with specialized cleaning agents, allows for effective cleaning without damaging surfaces. It’s ideal for roofs, siding, and other materials that can’t withstand high pressure, ensuring a thorough clean that’s safe for your property.
In Asheville, NC, it’s generally recommended to soft wash your property at least once a year to maintain its appearance and prevent buildup. However, if your property is in a shaded or humid area, it may require more frequent cleaning to address mold and algae growth. Regular soft washing keeps surfaces looking fresh and well-maintained while preventing long-term damage.
Yes, soft washing is highly effective at removing tough stains, including mold, mildew, algae, and even certain rust and red clay stains. The cleaning solutions used in soft washing are designed to break down stains at their source, resulting in a deep, lasting clean. While very stubborn stains may require additional treatment, soft washing typically removes most common stains with ease.
Yes, Asheville’s humid and seasonal climate promotes the growth of mold, mildew, and algae on outdoor surfaces, especially in shaded areas. Regular soft washing helps prevent these contaminants from building up, keeping your property looking clean and well-maintained. In Asheville’s climate, soft washing is essential for both aesthetic and maintenance purposes.
Yes, soft washing is an excellent solution for removing the thick pollen buildup that is common in Asheville during spring. Pollen can coat surfaces like siding, windows, and decks, making them look dull and yellowed. Regular soft washing clears away pollen, improving curb appeal and creating a cleaner environment around your property.
Yes, soft washing is ideal for historic homes as it uses low pressure, which prevents damage to older, more delicate materials like wood, brick, and stone. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we understand the care required for historic properties and use soft washing techniques that preserve the character and integrity of these homes. Soft washing safely removes dirt and organic growth while protecting valuable historic features.
Yes, soft washing is highly effective for removing red clay stains, which are common on Asheville properties. Our specialized cleaning solutions break down the red clay particles without damaging the underlying surface, restoring the original appearance of concrete, brick, and stone. Regular soft washing helps maintain a clean, stain-free exterior, even in areas prone to red clay buildup.
Yes, soft washing is an excellent choice for commercial properties in Asheville, NC, providing a clean and professional appearance. From storefronts to office buildings, soft washing effectively removes dirt, algae, and stains without damaging the exterior surfaces. Regular soft washing helps commercial properties maintain a welcoming appearance, enhancing the business’s image and attracting more customers.
Wave goodbye to dirt – book your clean with us today!
Give your property the care it deserves with Sunset Pressure Washing. Our soft washing services and pressure washing services are designed to remove dirt, mold, and grime, leaving your home or business looking fresh and well-maintained. Whether you need gentle soft washing for delicate areas or powerful pressure washing for tougher surfaces, we have the right solution. With professional equipment and skilled technicians, we deliver lasting results that enhance curb appeal and protect your property. Ready to see the difference? Book online today, or reach out for a free quote—email or call 864-991-9192. Let Sunset Pressure Washing bring out the best in your property!