Soft Washing Spartanburg SC
Is your home in Spartanburg, SC, looking dull from dirt and grime? Sunset Pressure Washing offers professional power washing and soft washing services to bring back the sparkle to your property. Our pressure washing services are perfect for cleaning everything from patios and fences to siding and driveways. Using our pro wash techniques, we remove dirt, mold, and debris without damaging your surfaces. Whether it’s house washing or patio cleaning, our soft wash methods ensure a deep clean that’s safe for delicate areas. We take pride in making your home look fresh and well-maintained. Let us handle your pressure cleaning needs and give your Spartanburg property the care it deserves.
Why Choose our Soft Washing Services in Spartanburg SC?
Experienced and Skilled Team
At Sunset Pressure Washing, our team brings years of experience and expertise to every job in Spartanburg, SC. We know how to clean a wide variety of surfaces, including siding, patios, and driveways, ensuring a thorough and safe clean. Our attention to detail means we deliver exceptional results every time, leaving your property looking its best.
Advanced Equipment and Techniques
We use the latest power washing technology and soft washing techniques to ensure an effective clean without damaging your property. Our equipment allows us to handle tough stains, mold, and dirt buildup on a range of surfaces. Whether it's for residential or commercial properties, our tools ensure a job well done.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
Your satisfaction is our top priority. We listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet your specific cleaning goals. Our team won't consider the job complete until you're fully happy with the results, ensuring your home or business looks spotless.
Local, Reliable Service
As a locally-owned pressure washing company, we’re proud to serve Spartanburg, SC, and the surrounding areas. We offer prompt, reliable service and flexible scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to provide top-notch service from start to finish.
Comprehensive Soft Washing Solutions for All Property Types
Exterior Home and Building Cleaning
Sunset Pressure Washing offers expert surface cleaning services to keep every part of your Spartanburg, SC property looking spotless. Our specialized cleaning services cover everything from driveways to sidewalks, ensuring your outdoor areas are free from dirt, grime, and debris. Using both pressure washing and soft washing services, we provide effective cleaning solutions that leave your surfaces looking like new.
Window and Gutter Cleaning
Keeping your windows and gutters clean is essential for maintaining your property’s appearance and functionality. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we offer professional window cleaning and gutter cleaning services in Spartanburg, SC. Using advanced pressure wash techniques, we ensure that your windows sparkle and your gutters remain free of debris to prevent water damage.
Window Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Our window cleaning service in Spartanburg, SC is designed to leave your windows crystal-clear and streak-free. Using the right combination of gentle cleaners and a pressure washer, we remove dirt, dust, and water spots from every pane. Whether you have standard windows or multi-story homes, our team uses safe, efficient methods to give your windows a spotless finish. Clean windows not only enhance the look of your home but also allow more natural light to brighten your space. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing for professional window cleaning that makes a visible difference.
Gutter Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Clogged gutters can lead to serious issues like water damage and foundation problems if left unchecked. Our gutter cleaning service in Spartanburg, SC uses powerful pressure washers to remove leaves, debris, and dirt from your gutter system, ensuring smooth water flow. Proper gutter maintenance helps prevent overflow and protects your home’s roof, siding, and foundation from costly damage. By keeping your gutters clean, we help you avoid issues like water leaks and mold growth. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle your gutter cleaning needs for a well-maintained and functional gutter system year-round.
Surface Cleaning
Maintaining clean surfaces around your property is essential for safety and curb appeal. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we offer expert surface cleaning services to eliminate dirt, stains, and buildup from sidewalks, stairs, and walkways. Whether it’s driveway cleaning or parking lot cleaning, our team uses effective techniques to ensure every surface looks fresh and well-maintained.
Sidewalk Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Sidewalks endure heavy foot traffic and accumulate dirt, mold, and stains over time. Our sidewalk cleaning service in Spartanburg, SC removes grime and debris, restoring the clean, bright look of your walkways. We use specialized equipment and safe cleaning solutions to ensure a deep clean without damaging the concrete. Clean sidewalks enhance curb appeal and provide a safer walking surface for residents and visitors. Let Sunset Pressure Washing take care of your sidewalk cleaning needs, leaving your property looking its best.
Stair Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Stairs often collect dirt, grime, and algae, which can make them slippery and unsafe. Our stair cleaning service in Spartanburg, SC targets both dirt buildup and safety concerns, ensuring a spotless and secure surface. We use a combination of pressure washing and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to remove stains and slippery algae from each step. Clean stairs not only improve the overall appearance of your property but also reduce the risk of accidents. Count on Sunset Pressure Washing to restore the cleanliness and safety of your outdoor stairways.
Walkway Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Walkways are essential for connecting areas of your property, and keeping them clean adds to the overall aesthetics and safety. Our walkway cleaning service in Spartanburg, SC uses professional techniques to remove dirt, mildew, and stains, leaving your paths looking like new. Whether it's residential or commercial, we apply the same methods used in driveway cleaning and parking lot cleaning to ensure thorough results. Clean walkways enhance your property's appearance and provide a welcoming, safe environment for guests and residents. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle your walkway cleaning, ensuring every step is spotless.
Stain and Growth Removal
Unsightly stains and organic growth, like mold and mildew, can harm both the appearance and integrity of your property. At Sunset Pressure Washing, we provide expert stain and growth removal using our specialized soft washing techniques and professional pressure washing services. Whether it’s removing mold, red clay, or rust, our team ensures your property is left looking fresh and free from damage.
Mold and Mildew Removal Spartanburg, SC
Mold and mildew are common issues in Spartanburg, SC, particularly in humid areas. Our soft washing technique effectively removes mold and mildew from siding, roofs, and other surfaces without causing any damage. Unlike high-pressure methods, soft washing safely penetrates surfaces, eliminating mold at its source and preventing regrowth. Regular mold and mildew removal also help protect your property’s structure and maintain a healthier environment. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing for reliable professional pressure washing services that keep your home free from mold and mildew buildup.
Red Clay Removal Spartanburg, SC
Red clay stains are notorious for being tough to remove from concrete, brick, and other surfaces. Our pressure washing service in Spartanburg, SC is designed to tackle these stubborn stains using a combination of soft washing techniques and professional-grade cleaning solutions. We carefully lift red clay from driveways, walkways, and walls, restoring the original appearance of your surfaces. Regular cleaning prevents these stains from becoming a permanent eyesore. Let Sunset Pressure Washing handle your red clay removal needs, leaving your property clean and fresh.
Rust Removal Spartanburg, SC
Rust stains can develop on metal surfaces, concrete, and other exterior areas, making your property look aged and neglected. Our rust removal service in Spartanburg, SC uses specialized soft washing techniques to safely remove rust without damaging the underlying surfaces. We apply professional-grade cleaners to dissolve rust and restore the original look of your metal fences, railings, and driveways. Regular rust removal helps prevent further corrosion and keeps your property looking well-maintained. Rely on Sunset Pressure Washing for effective and safe rust removal through our professional pressure washing services.
Industry-Specific Soft Washing Services
Healthcare Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
At Sunset Pressure Washing, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and sanitary environment for healthcare facilities in Spartanburg, SC. Our soft washing technique gently cleans building exteriors, walkways, and entrances, removing dirt, mold, and contaminants without harsh chemicals. We ensure a spotless exterior that reflects the high standards of care expected in the healthcare industry.
Bank Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Our soft washing services for banks in Spartanburg, SC are designed to maintain a professional and welcoming appearance. We clean building exteriors, ATMs, and drive-thrus, ensuring that dirt and grime don’t impact your bank’s image. With our expertise, your financial institution will maintain a clean and polished look that attracts and reassures customers.
Corporate Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Keep your office building in Spartanburg, SC looking pristine with our corporate cleaning services. We use low-pressure soft washing to clean exterior surfaces like windows, siding, and parking areas, ensuring a professional appearance. A clean office environment enhances your company’s image and provides a welcoming atmosphere for employees and clients alike.
School Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Schools need a clean and safe environment for students, teachers, and staff. Our school cleaning services in Spartanburg, SC use gentle soft washing methods to remove dirt, mold, and algae from playgrounds, walkways, and building exteriors. We help keep your school looking well-maintained while promoting a healthy learning environment.
Retail Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Attract more customers with a clean storefront by choosing our retail cleaning services in Spartanburg, SC. We remove grime, stains, and dirt from your building’s exterior, signage, and entryways using safe soft washing techniques. A clean and inviting storefront is essential for drawing in foot traffic and improving your store’s reputation.
Apartment Cleaning Spartanburg, SC
Keep your apartment complex looking its best with our soft washing services in Spartanburg, SC. We clean exterior surfaces, common areas, and walkways to remove mold, dirt, and grime, creating a clean and welcoming environment for residents. Regular apartment cleaning ensures your property maintains its curb appeal and offers a pleasant living space for tenants.
Benefits of Regular Professional Soft Washing
Protects Your Property from Damage
Regular soft washing removes harmful elements like mold, mildew, and algae that can degrade your property’s exterior surfaces over time. The low-pressure method used in soft washing ensures that delicate materials like siding and roofs aren’t damaged, unlike traditional pressure washing. This helps extend the lifespan of your property and prevents costly repairs.
Enhances Curb Appeal
A clean exterior makes your home or business look more attractive and well-maintained. Regular soft washing eliminates dirt, stains, and grime, improving the overall appearance of your property in Spartanburg, SC. This boost in curb appeal can increase property value and create a positive impression for visitors or potential buyers.
Improves Health and Safety
Mold, algae, and mildew not only affect the appearance of your property but can also lead to health hazards. Regular soft washing effectively removes these contaminants, creating a cleaner, safer environment for your family, customers, or tenants. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions and slips caused by slippery growths.
Prevents Costly Maintenance
By investing in regular soft washing, you can prevent the buildup of grime and organic growth that may lead to long-term damage. This proactive maintenance helps you avoid costly repairs to roofs, siding, and other exterior surfaces. Professional soft washing services from Sunset Pressure Washing ensure your property remains in excellent condition with minimal upkeep costs.
Gallery of Our Work




Our Soft Washing Process
Contact Us
Getting started with Sunset Pressure Washing is simple and hassle-free. You can call us at 864-991-9192, email us at, or conveniently book online through our booking form. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions and schedule a time that fits your needs.
Receive a Free Quote
After contacting us, we’ll provide a free, no-obligation quote tailored to your property’s specific cleaning requirements. We assess the areas to be cleaned and provide transparent pricing with no hidden fees. This ensures you know exactly what to expect before we begin.
Have Your Property Cleaned Right
On the scheduled day, our professional team will arrive promptly to complete your soft washing service. We use eco-friendly cleaning solutions and specialized low-pressure techniques to safely and effectively remove dirt, mold, and grime. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to leave your property spotless and refreshed, giving it the care it deserves.
FAQs About Soft Washing in Spartanburg SC
Yes, soft washing is worth the investment as it provides a deep clean without damaging delicate surfaces. It’s an effective way to remove dirt, mold, and algae from roofs, siding, and other areas. Regular soft washing helps prevent costly repairs down the road by keeping your property in top condition, making it a smart, long-term solution for homeowners in Spartanburg, SC.
Soft wash treatment is a cleaning method that uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning solutions to gently remove dirt, mold, mildew, and algae from exterior surfaces. Unlike high-pressure washing, soft washing is designed to protect delicate materials such as siding and roofs. It’s ideal for surfaces that need to be cleaned without the risk of damage.
The cost difference between soft washing and pressure washing depends on the surface being cleaned and the level of dirt or buildup. Soft washing is typically more affordable for roofs and siding because it reduces the risk of damage that could lead to costly repairs. For tough stains on hard surfaces like driveways, pressure washing may be more cost-effective.
The time it takes to soft wash a house varies based on the size of the property and the level of dirt buildup. On average, most homes in Spartanburg, SC can be cleaned in 2 to 4 hours. Larger homes or those with heavy buildup may take a bit longer, but our team works efficiently to complete the job.
While you can use a pressure washer for soft washing, it requires the right nozzles and settings to reduce the pressure. High-pressure settings can cause damage to delicate surfaces like roofs or siding. To ensure safe and effective results, it’s best to hire professionals like Sunset Pressure Washing, who have the proper equipment and expertise for soft washing.
A soft wash typically operates at a PSI (pounds per square inch) between 100 and 500. This low-pressure setting ensures that the cleaning solutions are applied safely without damaging surfaces like roofs, siding, or fences. The cleaning agents do most of the work, breaking down dirt and grime while the low-pressure rinse removes it.
Most properties in Spartanburg, SC should be soft washed at least once a year to maintain a clean, fresh appearance. Homes in areas with high humidity, shade, or heavy tree coverage may need more frequent cleanings to prevent the growth of mold and algae. Regular soft washing helps keep your home looking its best while protecting exterior surfaces from damage.
Yes, soft washing is highly effective at removing tough stains caused by mold, mildew, algae, and other organic materials. The specialized cleaning solutions used in soft washing penetrate and break down these stubborn stains at their root. For particularly stubborn areas, the cleaning solution strength can be adjusted to ensure a thorough clean.
Yes, soft washing is ideal for historic homes because it gently cleans delicate surfaces without causing damage. The low-pressure technique ensures that older materials like wood, brick, or stone are preserved while removing dirt, mold, and algae. Sunset Pressure Washing is experienced in caring for historic properties and ensuring they are cleaned safely.
The humid climate in Spartanburg, SC can lead to the growth of mold, mildew, and algae on exterior surfaces. Regular soft washing helps prevent these issues, keeping your home free from harmful buildup. This not only improves your home’s appearance but also protects it from potential structural damage caused by moisture and organic growth.
Yes, soft washing is highly effective at removing pollen that builds up during the spring in Spartanburg, SC. Pollen can cover your home’s exterior, making it look dirty and increasing allergens. Soft washing removes pollen without causing damage to your siding or roof, providing relief for allergy sufferers and improving your home’s appearance.
Yes, Sunset Pressure Washing uses eco-friendly cleaning solutions in our soft washing process. These biodegradable solutions are safe for your family, pets, and landscaping, while still providing a deep clean. Our commitment to environmentally friendly practices ensures that your property is cleaned responsibly.
Absolutely. Regular soft washing can make your business stand out by keeping the exterior clean and welcoming. Whether it’s removing dirt from signage, cleaning walkways, or washing the building facade, a clean appearance creates a positive first impression for customers. Sunset Pressure Washing offers commercial soft washing services to enhance your business’s curb appeal.
Pressure off, sparkle on – email us for spotless results!
Keep your property in pristine condition with Sunset Pressure Washing. Our soft washing services and pressure washing services are designed to remove dirt, grime, and stains without causing damage to your surfaces. Whether you need a gentle soft wash for your roof or a more powerful clean for your driveway, we have the expertise to handle it all. Let us help you maintain your home or business, boosting its curb appeal and protecting its exterior. Book online today for a free estimate and convenient scheduling. You can also email us at or call 864-991-9192 to speak with our team directly. Trust Sunset Pressure Washing to provide top-quality service and results you’ll love.